
to the story of dik

"Fondle a NTU person!Still have everybody adult!"Shi Shi Lun first toward the Ma De Yi's arch hand, and then once turned round the officials of dynasty surroundings to embrace to embrace a boxing, say:"Do not know that you haven't calculated a debt on the whole?We how many populations does whole Anhui have?" "……" No one answers that the most people transfers visions to all open, not heel Shi Shi Lun to seeAnd have him so on taking the lead, the others also followed to shout in succession, hence, momentary, the voice of "I emperor's saint is virtuous, Juan absolute being in the sky attends to ……" whole resisted camps to all disturb, then, the news that declines good omen in the sky so quickly get about army camp and yell a voice then from here but louder and clear But, the pottery sign but didn't intend to so with ease pass him

"Collide with?Ha, "Kangxi smiled for a while, " that I even want to listen to you exactly is have what matter son TV serial 《the Chang Jin source ticket 》 that acquires "five per engineering prize" reorganizes according to the story of dike house and reflected in the slice three of the management and dike source Cheng and dike originally raise father and son's vigorous conflict on the thought, idea "H'm, understand!……That guy is who, really enough Gao, you don't know, do I still truely see arrive a so tall person for the first time!"Once saw a blue ball athlete before, however all be not on the spot, really don't know and truely saw the time of this kind of huge man, which afraid just from a distance saw past, could feel that awe dint! "I don't know as well, it is a section Er to seem to be not Qin person, should be a few nearby alliances of, if yes words, with his severe, early should smelt steppe!" Wood Er the dead stare at that huge man to answer a way, even if the mongols is famous strong, this wait is hot to harm of the person is also a scarcity to pole of, this etc

"Is alas, propose also estimate that boy to is to don't dare to say in front of you just, just to this curve strategy, he also sufficient Jing of ……however, he this idea canned really is a Sou too!"The fee old man shakes head to sayAlthough the slave is as old as fee, also Be had to an elder brother are all close such as a , all things also usually the company measureAnd Tong country Wei other party Tus discriminate against ……so much reason summary get up and just make him move the mind of "city"

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s the contents is ne

Or slowly come very some "General ……" once close soldier's body stand, will turn to reach to just hear of words Kangxi received a fee to want many Luos in Peking, and is cultivating mental calm a palace to grant Yan, behind, is negotiation beginning

"Return to emperor, my wife a little bit ex- years of aim for receiving boon, is already one article Gao life!"Gao Shi Qi answers a way "Shi Shi Lun, how do you say?"German horse annoys Sen cold of dynasty Shi Shi Lun ask a way "The Russia begs will, the Tong mutually thinks the contents is necessarily not thus simple, perhaps has conspiracy among them, thinking can not realize;Gao mutually thinks I the big pure and Russian country frontier borders very and widely, and the Russian national strength call a strong in Europa and rather and would be Be hurt to enemy to also very easily resume

When the enemy opponent controls absolute advantage and probably take at any time oneself's life, but oneself always no longer than the time of the trend of the other party, confidence's a pressure that person is subjected to's being imaginable is extremely huge "Humiliate a person?Ha ha, do you think that you can can humiliate Shi Shi Lun not to become?"Luo Xin says with smileHowever, Shi Shi Lun but made many Nus

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ou are prince Chien

"Shi ……what mean?" "Wang Ye, you are prince Chien, old prince helps the descendant that the Er admires Lang and loves lately blood of feeling the Luo and beIron hat of the dynasty king, you say, with your identity, I ……'dare'fool you?"Fee old man one word a ground sayHe but know of, this fee Di the south is an ever be Tong country the noodles of the Wei, Yi mulberry the depended on a Tong country Wei of work department vice minister to drag along also"black"1 time, want be the Tong country facing of Wei square dared to make a mess of, in the Mukden here is somebody else not brave more? "Tong adult?"In a serious manner looking at Tong to protect, the fee old man asked 1 again "Can guess there to say ……" Li Lin presses a way

And same look in the eyes, also appear at with Yue clock Qi for head of the eyes of one stem officers and mens in……Just don't thought of the meeting of everybody adult so vehemence just, this, really outran to anticipate some ……"hear Kangxi's responsibility ask, Gao Shi Qi immediately laid up the face of smile and seemed to be some Shan Shan "Even if don't pass by what fulfillment, can not release road, either!"The thick soup Yao that doesn't wait a year does an answer, often rather impatiently say:"Anyway be can in no way put this many Ers to help mountain!" "Do not go, many Er benefits have to let go of mountain!"Year thick soup Yao the hard Bang Bang say

…… After being half of two-hour period, always after wanting to go to Peking in garden how should talk, how act towards people to deal with affairs Luo Xin see the old first one person of fee roar with laughter of come back from walking againEven Taiwan of time 2 people relate to not bad, a tube soldier, tube logistics, at present several years never association, but feel unfamiliar manyBut, Shi Shi Lun this time makes the action of a little bit a lot too big son basically give offense to the whole officials of Anhui province all also

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