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Later, the Zhu Guorong cup continued filled with water ,that Chen Ning and Zhu Guorong have something important to talk about ,did not do anything to stay ,quickly went to the outside his office ,and the inner door is closed , Chen Ning ,google,what is that ? Shen Jie out ,Zhu Guorong took a cigarette, smiled and said to Chen Ning , Zhu secretary ,you look at it ,said, Chen Ning gave his own account brings Li Qiang material to Zhu Guorong .
relationresultZhu Guorong alsodoes not know what is, smiling from the hand of Chen Ning took over, and from his pocket wearing glasses looks .When Zhu Guorong saw the title material ,originally the smiling face suddenly condensation .
Li Qiang account of material ,cnn,which is supposed to be the first time to their discipline report material ,how Chen Ning got ?Zhu Guorong hearts at this time has been very clear, originally the wavering appoint clerical Shi Jianhua has completely to Chen Ning ,and Li Qiang confesses to Chen Ning material for the first time made a report, however ,Zhu Guorong also occurred in May ,although Chen Ning is long but still area appoint vice secretary, in accordance with the rules of the organization ,Chen Ning still has the power to hear appoint working report , Zhu secretary ,Li Qiang this is dual gauge after explain material, which relates to the Public Security Bureau in some cases ,also involved in several other leading cadres .
Chen Ning glanced to see material ,smile moments frozen Zhu Guorong ,simply said ,Zhu Guorong listens, relates to a zone other leaders ,suddenly startled ,it relates to the other from the bow is who ?If Chen Ning faction ,Chen Ning definitely will not be so calm ,but also personally came to his office to report ,think of here Zhu Guorong also did not go to forecast ,immediately took the material below, in front of some mountain Public Security Bureau before some of the situations, although related to the Public Security Bureau of internal nearly 1/3 middle-level above cadre ,Zhu Guorong also can not consider these ,after all, from Li Qiang seized large quantities of cash and valuables ,had fulfilled Zhu Guorong bribery small official facts .
The first thing Zhu Guorong eye ,Chen Ning mouth to the area leadership is standing deputy warden Mao Weijie ,then look down ,Zhu Guorong suddenly sucked a cold ,area appoint vice secretary Ye Xinyu into Zhu Guorong ,if say ,involved Mao Weijie Zhu Guorong can accept ,the name of Ye Xinyu appear to .
Zhu Guorong is absolutely unacceptable ,Mao Weijie long in charge of Public Security Bureau ,Li Qiang serves as the public security bureau deputy director general, festivals honoring Mao Weijie ,and helps Mao Weijie deal with some things ,if Li Qiang is not something happens ,this is perfectly normal ,but ,Ye Xinyu, and Zhu Guorong is his companion in adversity ,in the original team .
Ye Xinyu the same as his hands and no real power ,until the Ming government case occurs, the hand of Ye Xinyu did not grasp Party group secretary power, and he also will industrial zone and give it to him ,and from the work of the subordinate relationship ,Li Qiang and Ye Xinyu have no direct link ,how will involve Ye Xinyu ?relationresultThe chaptersby the publisher Zhu Guorong hurried to look down ,looking more and more afraid of Li Qiang Zhu Guorong ,a very detailed account of him several times to Ye Xinyu bribery facts ,and time ,place a small amount of all explain very clearly ,even in the rape case ,Li Qiang to the leaf Xinyu sent $fifty thousand to make ,Ye Xinyu for help ,to understand the case ,and later as a result of investigation along with in-depth work ,Ye Xinyu took the last fifty thousand dollars back to Li Qiang situation ,also clearly reflected in the Li Qiang explain the material ,watching Li Qiang confessed about Ye Xinyu ,no doubt ,Ye Xinyu than Mao Weijie seriously more, can let Ye Xinyu resigns to remove from office ,even enough to eat a few years jail degree .
The Ye Xinyu is too big ,had two people at the same time, the mountain of power ,Zhu Guorong told Ye Xinyu ,don the mistake of economy and life style .When Ye Xinyu is fearless of death for a just cause to own a promise too, results ,see Li Qiang story ,Ye Xinyu bribery case ,are all in Mingshan act occurred after the emergence of ,only a Li Qiang so ,think of yourself when f Committee after .
Ming mountain promoted so many departments and township leaders, many of them by Ye Xinyu is the party secretary nominee ,which Ye Xinyu to bribe a number ?Zhu Guorong didn want to go down ,.
.However ,when Zhu Guorong raised his see Chen Ningyi Deputy calm like sit opposite him drinking tea, Zhu Guorong suddenly wake up ,at the same time ,also gradually calmed down ,Zhu Guorong took Li Qiang to explain material ,the head is quickly turned up ,material is reflected in the other cases ,including the council vice the director ,Zhu Guorong ,Facebook,don ,in addition to Mao Weijie and Ye Xinyu ,Mao Weijie case is not very serious ,but if these situations are confirmed ,Mao Weijie light is transferred from the jobs, better to go to a city departments today deputy ,lane is bad to the Chinese people National People or is completely ruined ,later political the future ,Zhu Guorong as party secretary and member of the Standing Committee of the provisional state ,if not guaranteed to him close to Mao Weijie ,but later he who dares to close ?relationresultRead the latestawfuller is Ye Xinyu, his than Mao Weijie more severe ,if you track down sb.
By following clues ,Zhu Guorong believes Ye Xinyu will certainly exist other problems ,is likely to involve himself ,after all it is now either the city or area, the relationship between him and Ye Xinyu is known to the public ,at the same time Zhu Guorong became party secretary after a large number of people are promoted Ye Xinyu to their recommendation, if say ,Mao Weijie Zhu Guorong under the stripping away of words ,Ye Xinyu Zhu Guorong is in any case to guarantee ,at present, Akiyama looked from the surface to maintain a friendly, but Zhu Guorong was very clear ,this is Chen Ning intends to give results one ,Zhu Guorong has been estranged from Chen Ning Bao Yuelin feel very funny ,but also to joint package Yuelin has defeated Chen Ning ,did not think of ,before himself, Chen Ning sent a such a sufficient to have a devastating bombshell ,updated chapters ,the speed fast !relationresultNow the situationis still not at war ,Chen Ning had achieved a decisive victory, if Chen Ning wants to follow up a victory with hot pursuit ,can put the material reach the City Commission for Discipline Inspection and the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection ,however ,Chen Ning did not do so ,but the holding material to their own here ,obviously .
Chen Ning this is the choice to take the initiative with their reconciliation ,however ,Zhu Guorong never fondly imagined that Chen Ning gave him the material is the only one ,certainly in Chen Ning different reading experience ,training l Diao is widely held a or several Russian opinion, today Chen Ninglai aims his long small negotiation ,finally ,through the joint ,Zhu Guorong out with a bitter smile ,slowly put down the material after the opening ,Zhu Guorong to Chen Ning said: Chen Chang ,you see how to deal with ? , relationresultAlthough,Zhu Guorong knew that she was completely defeated ,had to be and Chen Ning signed a treaty ,however ,Zhu Guorong heart how many also some do ,this is mainly these things are Ye Xinyu and Mao Weijie making out ,with these things ,not able to get his own defeat ,not arbitrary ,Chen Ningkai ,his return to the little puppet position ,four shame puppet long experience ,is their best swallow humiliation and bear a heavy load ,in fact in the heart of Zhu Guorong always felt that the career of a stigma ,therefore ,necessary for a supply of sth.
or need .relationresult.. Zhu secretary ,I look at the Public Security Bureau of these situations or let high Jin Xi Zhi processing ,the last carried cadaveric petitions have been Related articles:

