
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj nsible for combat r

Use a greatly chop down knife, engage in fisticuffs ability very astonishing.

Thermodynamic power supported intelligence warrior, grow 20, it 10 provided with storm to flow, each person was a thermodynamic power fort of ambulation, Be support type intelligence warrior, they are given the skill of well-trained operation weapon.

Lin Qi Yu gave each two intelligence warriors to kid, a thermodynamic power support type warrior, a brawl type warrior, provided with for fairy Ling six, provided with 6 for fairy maiden.

With the production speed in nowadays, can produce ten intelligence warriors for a day, wait the fairy airship rain to refit to complete, Lin Qi Yu can get enough many intelligence warriors.

The intelligence warrior needs after the study of a period of time, when they just made to come out was like the mankind's infant, what didn't understand as well, wait until backlog certain combat experience after, so as to grow up to a good intelligence warrior.

They study the path of skill to contain 2 kinds, a kind of is a true war, 1 kind acquires experience from the combat of virtual space.

Their intelligence passes in the combat of virtual space currently, gradual study growth.

The conductor of intelligence warrior is same, as long as having an intelligence warrior to come amiss among them, after study and after correcting, other intelligence warriors will totally use his experience and precept, the intelligence warrior will keep making mistake, but can't repeat a same mistake, which fear that these warriors all die in battle, their experience will also deliver a warrior to the next generation intelligence, they are the weapons that can grow up.BE study of weapon.

Lin Qi Yu hasn't realized, oneself has already followed the footsteps of fairy maiden.

Fairy maiden although the value evolves,the value is persisted to more to store various strength as to lend support to means, she profoundly addicts to on the contrary and gradually ignore to the evolution of oneself among them.

Lin Qi Yu isn't self-conscious medium under the influence of her, also like to use these assistance meanses, establishment base, the manufacturing intelligence warrior, oneself of fighting strength have no further raise have no, particularly is after getting space living creature, his interest more and more concentration in this aspect.

The fairy maiden checked some kind of intelligence warriors and said with smile:"Is very good, Lin Qi Yu, arrive outside 1 in base, take ten warriors, brawl the warrior is five, the thermodynamic power warrior is 5, shows me ……exactly have much severe."

Lin Qi's raindrop nods, Lin Qie rushes to wait six kids to shout to jump like sparrows, and it is their favourite to fight.

The fairy Ling also says with smile:"I call in brother-in-law Hua, Xi Xi, let them ……"

She blinks to Lin Qi Yu, Lin Qi Yu not from must smile, say:"Let a brother-in-law."He knows that China eagle soars to wait person to see an intelligence warrior, affirmation will cannot help but trying a hand, so can let the intelligence warrior acquire and experience of clean Fu superior's brawl in the sky.

Even if they motionless hand, oneself also wants to persuade them to try and see, this all has no bad place to both parties.

Ten intelligence warriors to a tee stand in the meteor surface.

China eagle soars to wait a house superior of a few China to curiously looking at, they know these warriors to aren't mankind, and the in the mind is curious as well as shocked.These warrior outward appearances are like mankind very much, the only breathing that feel a peculiar place, is the life that they are in need of mankind, but many a huge energy forms of pressure.

China eagle soars to ask a way:"Light rain, what is this thing a stem?"He to the trick of high technology always has no interest, even if see these an intelligence warrior hand hold weapon, also don't believe they is use to fight, cannot help but making a noise inquiry, in his concept, how may the robot return to brawl?

The fairy maiden recruits a group of combat works ofs accidentally and smiles happily ground to say:"This is that I collect a ground of common warrior and try your intelligence warrior, I want to see much margin."

The combat instruction of intelligence warrior is reached by Lin Qi Yu's bottom, his instruction is accidentally easy, exterminate all combat works.As for if exterminate, is then judged a performance by himself/herself by intelligence warrior.This is the strength of intelligence warrior, they can analyze a circumstance by themselves, and the establishment acts a plan.

At get instruction in a very short moment, intelligence warrior quick establishment like activity plan.

Engage in fisticuffs a warrior to pull out to greatly chop down knife, that is a breadth again again thick long-handled sword, is like also an enlarge to make longer of war ax, it is synthetic to is using special metal, can release the energy in a brawl warrior body.

The thermodynamic power warrior quickly retreats and raises own weapon at the same time.

Fighting work is accidentally also again ten, the fairy maiden adjusts of combat work accidentally the level is general, than Lin Qi Yu met for the first time of the war is accidentally slightly a little bit stronger.These ten wars accidentally is use the half a lifetime thing technique manufacturing but become, they own sixes, four among those feet run about, arms two feet become sharp knife knife and exclusively is responsible for combat, rectangular of the head still have a cerebellum bag of hemicycle and have a liking for go to funny and matchless.

Lin Qi Yu et al flies to sky, ten intelligence warriors and ten wars accidentally start rapid move, see go from the sky, be like 20 small black marks at quickly move.

Meteor surface again various astroblemes, both parties' warriors are looking for beall neficial geography.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Fairy maiden, your war accidentally ……is the war that guards a base accidentally, compare Dou and seemed to suffer a los 1:00 with my intelligence warrior, had more deluxe war accidentally."

Fairy maiden white his one eye, smile happily ground to say:"Wait your ground the intelligence warrior vanquish my ground the war accidentally say again, Xi Xi, tell you ……this is most commonly me the war is accidentally."

Lin Qie rushes to wait six kids to in the sky and jubilantly fly around, this comparing Dou , to children, is a divertive game.

The battle plan of intelligence warrior constantly streams into Lin Qi Yu's head inside, he can understand the activity of intelligence warrior next move in time, certainly he can also direct these intelligence warriors, however have to make themselves go to quest and study for the sake of the growth of these intelligence warriors, just can be truely strong like this.

War accidentally of the speed is strange quickly matchless, they own four robust and emollient huge feet, ten wars are all accidentally near war types of, they try the intelligence warrior of approaching the thermodynamic power support type.

Two intelligence warriors of brawl type quickly come forward Zu shot, in the hand of greatly chop down knife Shan to wear a green long grass, as if the storm sort split toward a most anterior war accidentally.

Is public in the ray of light that the sky clearly sees two regiment blues and make a pounce upon a war accidentally, fairy maiden not from get the Ze Ze compliment way:"Is quite good, can expand energy completely a weapon up, Ze Ze, my war accidentally isn't an opponent!"

Intelligence warrior and war accidentally and crueltily to bump together, big slice of dust bring about, as if two tornado sort the straightly blunt God is empty.The meteor surface is without air, only have pimping gravitation, the dust only shakes up in the knife under, can not quell down, close behind, five vitality support type the warrior open fire together, a way metal flows to spray to flow out but.

Moreover three intelligence warriors outflank and attack up from two sides.

The fairy maiden shakes head a way:"Stop, stop!"

She waves hand, ten wars accidentally disappear together.

Lin Qi Yu quickly obstructs an intelligence warrior and says:"Is alas,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, fairy maiden, haven't divided a victory or defeat."

The fairy maiden puts a hand way:"What victory or defeat extremely negative, you design of the intelligence warrior is so abnormal, I didn't thought of margin will so big, again keep on beating, these the war accidentally doomed ……"

"If the real strenght is just about, vanquished me to also have no what a , now ……this ……absolutely is an adult to beat a kid, also beat fart."She unexpectedly the academic association say language.

China eagle soars to wait persons to all cannot help but smiling, they discover these intelligence warriors it's really severe, regrettable of is fight accidentally too weak, the intelligence warrior almost hasn't developed, war accidentally be accepted by the fairy maiden to walk.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Fairy maiden, adjust a little bit more severe of war accidentally, one by one have a competition this time, the warrior is too many easily disorderly."

The fairy maiden considered a short moment and said:"My main base is too faraway, most badly fight to accidentally adjust not to come out, send my intelligence manager transfers, my intelligence adjusts some common goods to come over now ……"

"H'm, to, there is a style of war accidentally not bad, wait for a second, time a little bit grows to just go at 1:00."She quickly sets out a transmission, immediately disappear again inside.

The surprised way of Lin Qi Yu:"Can't, adjust in person ……originally the fairy maiden will also compete for supremacy to love to excel."

China eagle soars to see hunt heart pleased and says:"The light rain lets me comes to try, a to 1."

Lin Qi Yu also wants to see intelligence warrior and clean Fu superior in the sky's margin, he says:"Brother-in-law carefully orders."He gives the intelligence warrior the bottom the instruction reaching is to defeat opponent, not exterminates opponent this time.

China eagle soars to slowly fall on the ground, Lin Qi Yu's suspending in the sky 20 meters is left

