
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc evolution probably


"At my desk the first electronics drawer in, there are four virtual free cards, you stick down card and password, in have me the freedom for depositing to order.A little bit free is the cyber cash here, ten freedoms order equal to 1,000 federal reputationses to order, can exchange a decagram of kinetic energy piece within the scope of free star area."

Clock Bei Mei and Lin Jun Bao's in the minds all flash across one silk is uneasy, the D Wan in no case will without any reason and without cause pay so many, definitely still have what purpose.2 people to see one eye, all see each other of worry.

The D Wan suddenly smiles and says:"You definitely and very astonishment, always very stingy D Wan how can and thus generous.Teacher Zhong, I really occupy to mutually beg ……"

His facial expression seriously gets up:"My family all live as recluse on the free star, I need you to accept them, and protect them."

The soft-voiced way of Lin Jun Bao:"This not difficulty."The clock Bei Mei also has a little not and believes so in brief.

The D Wan says:"The science home in federal, talk about the dispensation of evolution, teacher Zhong is the best, no one ability the peter lead.I have two kids, the big son is 14 years old, the little daughter is 11 years old, teacher Zhong knows, the kid's mother F through die, two kids are sent to a free star by me, they live in ……"

The D Yuan in detail spoke the kid's name address and finally said:"Teacher Zhong , in the virtual net of free star area, can carry out the overwhelming majority affair in the reality and for example purchase the star here area diagram, the aviation harbor of contact debarkation ……however, you isn't suitable for at in appear, seek a person who cans believe carries out, after all you were too well-known in the federal, particularly teacher Zhong, you are a dispensation expert, the talented person is a free star area and lack most , must be careful safety."

Words sound just fall, his image dissipation an empty.

Lin Qi Yu volunteers ground to say:"Grandmother, I go!I go to a free net and carry out everything."

Lin Jun Bao doesn't trust a way:"Light rain, is you all right?Some affairs you don't understand, still let you Gao the uncle do, we return to first."

The clock Bei Mei says:"You return to first, I want to turn the data here to my database inside, , to, return to these four free cassette tapes."

Lin Qi Yu defies spirit ground to say:"Despise a person!Hum, in the virtual net, Gao uncle not necessarily than I severe."

He is whispering and following Lin Jun Bao to leave a free net.

From the virtual net in come out, Lin Qi Yu said 1:"The grandpa sees again!"Turn around and then run to own cabin room.

The grandpa doesn't make him handle affairs and go in to play always can of, seem to have no restriction in free net, should be very divertive.

Return to own cabin room, Lin Qi Yu links a good helmet virtual machine and immediately gets into a free net.The key that he uses to prepare opens the red door of free net, a head of drilled into.

He sees transmission designation and have the free community, free company spreads the area, free weapon trade area, engage in fisticuffs a specialty area, gamble area, port area and lease an area and evolution specialty area etc. a lot of various each kinds of district.

He hesitated for a while and stepped on free community.White light one Shan, Lin Qi Yu is delivered pass by.

This is square of circular, the area is strange big matchless, like a large stadium.The whole square is divided into the top and bottom 2 F, the bottom layer is the black square of the circular flatness, the upper level is to surround a turn of platform of circular square, there are many transmissions on the platform to order, can have many kinds into choose.The square edge stands up 9 to match to embrace a thick metal post, the center then together imitates of fountain.

Have here different from the federal net at 1:00, the many people wears a mask and has some the person's face to seem to be very misty.

Lin Qi Yu walks to metal before the pillar,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, the gold color surface of post is like a mirror.

He discovers his own side's permitting is also unclear and imitate a Buddha cover very thick yarn towel on the 1 F, the root is beyond recognition.

Turning 1 turn didn't discover what interested in affair, Lin Qi Yu walks to the upper level.

The transmission of ground orders Shan light green only, suddenly, the distance flash across is together red light, that is a red of the transmission order.He curiously walks over there, the red transmission orders the top write:The special kind product bargain area.

Lin Qi Yu also ignores in have what, one feet stepped up.

The red light is one Shan, the street in a black is appeared he is at present, the person of street is sparse to fall, cover with 1 F on the body of everybody of black fog, imitate Buddha phantom general.

Lin Qi Yu's curiosity biggest promotes, the noodles exactly has here what trick, unexpectedly and thus mysterious uncanny.

《Super evolution 》 first gathers to evolve original liquid chapter 9 author:Xiao Qian

Chapter 9 super personal status

The street Yin is cold dark.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is strange, why does the not understand free net want to design such an emulation street,be used for scaring a person?

He lowers the head the bottom half of seeing he and equally covers with black fog of 1 F and walk like the feet don't be stained with ground and float something to concuss.He suddenly feels to be easy to play, then along the street floats all the way.

On the street almost no one, occasionally appear a , very quick disappear, that is to enter an exclusive store door.

Separate several meters to have a door each time, on the door a very small fingerprint, deliver various light of cold color, there is side also very small marking.

Lin Qi Yu stands in front of the small door in a black and up have one row pimping word-super evolution appropriation metal store.

He thinks of he F through is a super evolution, probably can find out a little useful thing here.

The super evolution of the federal all want to get into a government work of, all of their everythings from the government is fully responsible for.

There is a very great problem like this, be have no personal freedom, everything all wants to listen to the arrangement of government, in spite of is go to troops also good, go to the special kind profession is also good.Super evolution is a governmental exclusive talented person, they are unique want to do of be sign a contract with federal government, other of need not worried.

However, a lot of super evolution would not like to get into federal government, can get into a lot of professions with their ability, but the federal law contains clear statement rules, any profession can not employ a super evolution, unless this profession is directly controled by the federal.

Also having a lot of business groups and employing army corps to take no cognizance certainly is federal of the law, they own strong real strenght, can haggle with federal government, so super evolution even if not get into federal government, also not worry to have no place to go, they belong to god's favored son, arrive where will be subjected to favor and heavy use.

Lin Qi Yu by hand touches to touch that fingerprint, but has no reaction.He in the mind oddness:How can enter not to go?

After death spread a lightly smile.Lin Qi Yu turns head to see go to, a petite body form slowly walks and see what body's knowing is a female, however her body also binds in very thick black fog, suddenly concealed suddenly now of, beyond recognition and true facial expression.

Lin Qi Yu embarrassedly says:"How to don't respond, this store closes the door?"

That person points a door frame above, there is one row smaller word-business in.

The wry smile way of Lin Qi Yu:"That how do I enter not to go?"

The that person Luo Luo says with smile:"This is the exclusive management area, only super evolution then can get into, generally evolution is enter don't go."

Lin Qi Yu wishes:I am a super evolution.He asks a way:"Does this how classify?"

That person enthusiastically explanation way:"Super evolution the Cu owning can be much stronger than the general evolution, you as long as prove that you have very strong Cu ability can go in, be like so."

She walks to doorway and stretches out a hand to press on the fingerprint, a white light flash across, the body form disappears to be missing.

Is very quick, she appears down the street again and says:"Probably you use of the virtual helmet is a federal production of, so can not recognize whether you are a super evolution, at here super evolution is to be subjected to a person most

Adoration of, as long as canning prove that oneself is a super evolution, the persons here all will to your comity three cent."Finish saying, she waves hand way:"Sawed again, hoped that you are also a super evolution."

Lin Qi Yu looking at her to float however goes to, the in the mind feels a little bit risk danger.He can still not acquaint with to the Cu, don't know how make use of, even if now will use can not also enter this door, because there is no Cu in his virtual helmet ability scanner, can not spread the signal that own Cu ability.

He continues to go straight up again.Can not get into through a lot of store doors, helpless under, he has to return to circular square.

Lin Qi Yu feels although the free net is very free, can protect the privacy of entrant, there are a lot of interested in things to him,have no

