
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM a beautiful girl

Each people are clear .relationresultJi Xueyanhad the chance to travel with Ding Yuan was distressed side more than flexor arrow south with al I suddenly have a brain wave asked: brother here to flexion Laolongkou whether there is also road feasible ? , relationresultBowarrow South smiles: nature is only required on a circle around the boss from the east slope of the whitecaps climb up we won to fly to the sword .
, relationresultJi Xueyan asked again: in addition to the whitecaps slope whether other distance similar trails ? , relationresultFlexorarrow south not their intent to replied: there is a way slightly farther out of the west is a hundred yards rock climb it will go hard lot .
, relationresultHe HuanRoad : well then why do you ask? , relationresultJisnow geese : left nothing so much as a game .We divided into two groups each choose a mountain to climb but are not allowed to use the old Longkou imperial sword flying in to see who can go to ? , relationresultDingYuanwen song and know she clap hands and said: this is a good idea on the way we may be able to enjoy the Yuexiu mountain cloud water is shoot two hawks with one arrow .
, relationresultAlalso agreed : interesting but we speak is climbing up who cannot lie with immortal sword ! In the four in his practice is still not enough on the imperial sword flying it was especially emphasized .
Ji Xueyan proposal is also obviously was to his liking .relationresultJisnow geese : of course it is not the game and what we just got competition capacity . , relationresultArrow: in South Bend for the group but did not know how .
How to choose ? , relationresultJi Xueyansaid : have a well-thought-out plan packet is the most easy we draw is .As for selecting road who and flexor brother a group of go west trails who let him is known as East Main Road ? , relationresultFlexorarrow South above it laughs: the two path I only know never Zhenzhan than what cheap .
But as for the East in charge to three points . , relationresultJi Xueyanfrom the cuff took four Dan pills in hand palm down but don let anyone see then said : I have in my hands four Dan pills two red two black size is the same .
Flexor brother you are the master of you to smoke . ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, relationresultBowarrow South nodded: well then is not polite . He put his hand on Ji Xueyan hand with a finger pinch was inevitable to touch the opponent lubricants such as greases skin can spirit is a swing but quickly picked element to defend a be entirely absorbed took Dan pills .
relationresultHe saw asmile: is red . , relationresultJi Xueyan willhand reach Foon and said: what your brother . , relationresultHelikes to do should be a sound but also drew a red Dan pills .
relationresultJi Xueyan sees that thecharming sound laughs: this would save both Ding Shishu and I don smoke . , relationresultBowarrow South heart slightly disappointed but still with a smile: and then had to work late and where in the long way round .
, relationresultJisnow geese : if you feel unfair to us the path change of Ding Shishu and I may not lose to you ! , relationresultBowarrow South shook his head : need not be so . The present east slope of the mountain the whitecaps briefly to Ji Xueyan and Ding Yuan introduced a also told two people a few careful words and four will split in two respective seek leave take waterfall rocks .
relationresultAsflexor arrow South and he Huan disappeared in the road end Ding Yuancai smiled toward Ji snow geese : Cher also not quickly put the other two red Dan pills received Cui Xia send healing medicine you have been used to bluff .
, relationresultJi Xueyansly smile received hands in pill : I know your not a fool . , relationresultDing Yuanhey smiled: south is a modest, self-disciplined gentleman flexor arrow so you when he Huan is more honest don turn if others which is so easy to let your little trick to succeed ? , relationresultJi Xueyan shakesthe hand of Ding Yuan Road : people do not want to stay alone with you you blame on others not to .
, relationresultDing Yuan homeopathicJi Xueyan hug kiss gently : I do not know or permit you to their tricks ? , relationresultJi Xueyanhumming sound puckering cute little nose : you know people painstakingly .
, relationresultDing Yuansong:they said: will go on if to let them wait too late after all not good . At present two people on flexor arrow south pointing road around the whitecaps slope toward the old Longkou board to .
relationresultDingrepair has complex walk along a rough road was no effort .He and Ji Xueyan since no cracks at the summit of the heart is just borrow this opportunity well a moment alone .
So two people goes the way of Yuexiu mountain scenic wonders of appreciation .Don time .relationresultDonout of the more than 10 years to just turned a pass is caught on a flat Island young disciples have a pleasant talk together is a mountain stream while rest .
And also in the meantime it as just Geng Ding does not recognize .relationresultDing YuanyinJi Xueyan in the side too lazy to find their bad luck and he also disdain and those Geng Southern disciples and followers dispute .
Two people while pretending not to see each other because the mountain .relationresultWho knowsthe wishes Ding not to want to look for the other troubles hall one saw they were unwilling to give up .
relationresultYesterday theday order meet on on a narrow path in Ding even eliminate band playing get Geng South days and curved South Xin to lose face more called Geng Zhao .These young disciple was Swami are not due to the presence of mind to act - Ding Yuan Zhao deeply dissatisfied .
relationresultAccording toDing Yuan and Ji Xueyan Gunn saw nose could not help with hum .Side a Ge Nanshi door disciple Yuan Kui sees that said: Gee but the kid is not yesterday talk wildly emerald Xia door down ?Beside him and a beautiful girl don who it is? , relationresultThere is to know aboutJi Xueyan replied : that her Bietian baby granddaughter how and surnamed Ding mixed together ? , relationresultGengas sneered: needing barren mountains and what? , relationresultYuan Kui Wenyan bah track: surnamed Ding boy is not Ji Xueyan uncle Me Cuixia sent to give birth to the turkey thing .
, relationresultAnotherword a disciple named intentionally loud laughs: yesterday, do not know who is an awe-inspiring righteousness .Today he snuck out play Yeshi ! , relationresultThe five or sixflat island disciples simultaneously set the whole room roaring with laughter in a provocative eye Ding ,Ji two .
relationresultTheseintolerable to the ear words Ding and Ji Xueyan natural listen to the clear at first Ji snow geese do not want to trouble tried to persuade Ding Yuanke to hear later also can face color surface with frost .
relationresultEmeraldXiashan a thousand disciples who did not know she is a pearl in the palm of Ji Bietian weekdays between joke dare not open a when people dare to face the foul language ?A Ji snow geese and angry and ashamed scolded : shut your mouth ! , relationresultShe ignored.
The openings on the other side of interest high .Yuan Kui intends to please the Geng as laughed : how do we say no ?Yesterday you Cui Xia sent people not in the days of order is also said to be very happy? , relationresultDing Yuan stoppedfar looked at mountain next to several people looked calm does not see angry only slowly : roll ! , relationresultWordsfrom the stream in a rose sneered : are you afraid we do with the two of you good ?From prime to your opinion you Cui Xia pie is to shelter evil people and countenance evil practices ! , relationresultJi Xueyanthen took him to see the sword : his tender ! , relationresultSnowZhu Jianqing Ming drawn people such as jade sword rainbow like a fire swept a straight character .
She hated each other use rude language in three refrains Hua Jian surge was made and suffered from .relationresultSpeaka southern gate is Geng under favorite teacher twenty years repair is not weak .
As he drew his sword against one side of the mouth people : to prevent divulgence of one ! , relationresultTheisland side of the disciples have interesting to see an .relationresultJi Xueyansilver dark bite a waterfall eighteen swords play was most incisive red sky .

