
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu such of Gao and wa

Carry to split, or so flew a sting to go into a wall up.Spring mire two put out strength one Deng, then flee a wall to outside escape.
A very small stick monk fighting skill but such of Gao, and was subjected to a such daunt, can also have a life to succeed in escaping, say come also have no oddness, the unique color wants each time call spring mire the temple seeks a woman, sometimes is see one the beautiful miss rob, have to have whole body fighting skill naturally, besides the spring mire is to love force such as crazy, particularly is a little wood don't spread of Shu"Long Zhao Shou", "easy Jin through", as long as he puts forward, the unique color has no reason brush-off naturally, hence so come down for several years, he although only haven't arrive 20-year-old age, have been already learned the unique color is 67 successful dints, these the stick monk isn't his opponent naturally.Two stick monks were mutual on hoping, and then made track for to go out.
The unique color tries very hard to of run about wildly, a wish break out of Shaolin Temple.The square Zhang leads many monks are also tightly follow behind, differ however several Zhangs, be make track for to fail to catch.All the way little monk wood sees the surprised lie of unique color mismanage of the appearance is all very strange in the heart, all only is dare not speak inquiry.The speed pole that comes to unique color to rush again is rapid, at one Huang eye, then have already run number Zhang, they even if want to ask,have no that speed.Arrives behind catch up come of the many monk elucidation reason is understand, now is also follow to chase, so the person, who chase, is more and more, the whole little wood has already fallen into one disorder.
The unique color eye sees will the little wood's front door, from a distance and then see two ashes tunic stick monks that guard a door, have already beaten to settle an attention in his heart, as long as those two people dare to slightly more obstruct, then namely the cutthroat in pain.Treat leave them far two Zhangs, the right hand has already gathered full inside spirit.As long as the one punch tees off, even if strong and tough piece of stone will also ground crack can not.Even now, sees a burst of breeze nearby once hurtled from oneself and feel a burst of silk cool on of face and stretch hand a to touch, be stained with on the finger of whole is a blood.He thinks that he is all over subjected to person's sneak attack, got hurt, can all everywhere have no sore of felling, careful a see from nearby once ran of the person, saw he stepped back agility, body the furious wind that clipped to shout, the better arm seems to be been whole to unload down and saw the effort that he displayed, obviously is little wood's 72 skills in of crawl forward of Shu, this effort is light body effort, displayed to open, the like lightning stone fire sort was rapid.The person of meeting this effort in Shaolin Temple, in addition to oneself, square Zhang, and the Bodhidharma hall is the first outside, little wood again have never once heard to have who meeting, besides see his body however 20 how old, in the heart is also oddness.In fact that person is a spring mire, crawl forward of the Shu is also taught by unique color, only he just attend to flee for life, didn't see that person's outlooking.
Listens to those two stick monks calling a way just at the same time:"Stop!"He two seemed to see spring mire, also then made track for up.Know in the unique color heart, oneself uses to crawl forward Shu many, the greater half monk in the temple many momentary halfs will also fail to catch himself/herself, only the square Zhang may is at any time, more don't dare to think more and continue to speed forward.
Square Zhang already at ten Zhangs outside, seeing the unique color will break out of Shaolin Temple, then Gao Han Dao:"Hold tight him, never make him escape."The unique color sees two stick monk Ai hand Ai feet of, heart way:" With you two, also want to block me."Do not put them in mind, unexpectedly and ever since that time two of him nearby run pass by.Two people hear the cry of the Zhang of square and think that oneself wants to hold tight spring mire, now see an unique color again suddenly from nearby once fled, first is ate a surprised, and then and then mistaken for unique color to also come to grasp spring mire.Hence the side rushes through a side way:"Unique color master ……" unique color way:"See you two troubles, solve you first two say again, a little bit put now slow some step, have to once those two stick monks close to,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, then the heavy palm kills they.Two stick monks arrive to at this time, a way:"Just that person seems spring mire, how did he break an arm?"Another humality:"What matter did he make?Why does the Zhang of the square want to grasp him?Still need to cut off a color master to personally begin?"Unique color immediately understands their 2 people have been already misunderstood, all first, is little monk wood, not want to without cause kill them to be two, second, also not want to cause trouble to carry more, hence way:"This matter temporarily cans not remember clearly Chu, the spring mire steals to learn little fighting skill wood, is grasped by my one person to come back Zhang treatment to the square, you guard a temple door and tell the square the Zhang don't a temple, the noontide will be had strong enemy to make."Just while speaking, the body has already jumped number Zhang.

Text 7
The fragrance of books house renews time:2010-6-616:02:09 chapter word numbers:1573

7 two stick monks see the affair come suddenly and haven't returned to absolute being, a way:"Does the spring mire steal to learn fighting skill?No wonder that light achievement so good."Another humality:"The unique color master says that the strong enemy comes to make, will be who so bold?"BE speaking, square Zhang already arrive to before the body, two still too late open mouth, square Zhang short cut:"Why don't you block him?"One humality:"The unique color master says to be grasped by him and also says to make us guard a good temple door, the noontide will be had strong enemy to make."The square Zhang annoys not to go, harsh voice way:"What I said is an unique color teacher."Is two all a surprised, together way:"Unique color master?This ……"a brains haven't become curved.Square the Zhang see an unique color have already run one several ten Zhangs, once turned a curved go, flee into an one bush, again don't chase, probably make track for not to ascend any further, also lazy get to entwine, and then use to crawl forward Shu with two stick monks before the body, make track for toward the unique color.Two stick monks arrive a behind pupils of same master arrive to explain an affair, be understand.
Chase an unique color at this time, the fighting skill strong or weak in temple then divides to show very much, the square Zhang makes track for at most before, the fighting skill slightly strong follows close behind afterward, the fighting skill is weak already drive jilt several ten Zhangs.The unique color runs run, none of a moments dares to stop over, at this time become overdo come on seeing, the square Zhang still follows close behind outside ten several Zhangs, brings up a strength more now and speeds speed.From a distance hear the square Zhang call:"The traitor rests to escape!"Voice be like a lightning flash sort, keep hanging up of flee to go into cut off the ear of color, earthquake unique color whole head hair flower, just a burst of dizzy flower, again once ran a few small ways foot suddenly is a don't be careful, fall down at ground up.
The unique color knows a square Zhang be after death, although a Jiao fall off all over the bone is the most painful,immediately the Teng rises, prepare to escape again.Unexpectedly just so in a short while effort, square Zhang a Teng is empty, already arrive to be blocked an unique color of go to road.Unique color Zhi the way of the Wu:"Zhang uncle Shi of square, you ……" square Zhang harsh voice way:"Don't teach me!You dry this kind of matter come, the little wood has already not permitted you."Unique color way:"I know wrong, I know I am unqualified to be a family, my all things don't in addition to, hopes square Zhang uncle Shi read pupils of same master 1, passed me."Square Zhang way:"You do this waits a matter, how can say to put and then put, you know, you are little regulations wood hospital head, the affair spreads to go out, to the fame of livinging of little wood ……" far and far hears a big brigade monk just and hither rush through at this time and mutually is apart from only ten several Zhangs, the eye sees will arrive to right away.The unique color square Zhang didn't pass oneself's matter, although oneself's fighting skill is together high, can wait until the little wood's superior to arrive, oneself has superman and also gets a life funeral to be a head, only a dead mutually puts together.Now way:"Square Zhang uncle Shi was definitely heart, make I am at the dead settle?"
The square Zhang Zhang signs ten words, the left hand pulls out to make a beads way:"Amitabha, the Buddhism takes mercy as to keep in mind, but can't passes a Yin thief, either and goes out for the disaster river's lake."Read a Dao, the left hand pulls out to make a beads, once the index finger play, dynasty the between the eyebrows of the unique color arouse to fly but.2 people are mutually apart from very near, square Zhang again with little wood the dint Cui hair beads inside a Chan, don't say to is the head of color extremely, even if is a strong and tough marble, this beads will also the pliers go into.Luckily cut off a color to early there is preparation, he square Zhang once the left hand move and then and in advance work well to take precautions against, for the moment in this lightning stone fire, head to once the side be partial to, that beads at the right moment from the eyebrow slightly once wipe but lead and ascend a ly, the shot is after death ground 1.Unique color feels good insurance, eyebrow slightly can not help frightenning one silk cold sweat and hear after death chase a voice more and more ring, hence way:"You don't allow, don't blame me righteousness not."Once the legs use a strength and annoyed to immediately meet together right Zhang inside the pubic region, and to square the Zhang be a head dozen to go.
Also the square Zhang's decision wants to remove an unique color in case little reputation wood is damaged, hence while sending out beads, the body is fierce to flee forward, left hand iron sand Zhang then beats to go to the unique color back of the head and want ~only

