
Artist Series hich mutual action

Half magic to dodge route .relationresultFront suddenly appearstremendous obstacles ,who quickly turned back ,half demon is no exception ,but in the magic soldiers turn moment ,modeling ,rough mad wild metal glove into a fist shape bombardment on his head .
relationresultNohead can be hard by Ares hand blow ,like cracked eggs ,meat ,bone ,brain, slag splashing everywhere .relationresultNevermind treatment on dirt ,until the enemy mutilated bodies fall to away .
BOT to sound helmet acoustics Rune said: Mosa ,restored and command link ? , relationresultNo.This is very unlikely .. , relationresultIs it right? Because we deeply in reason ? , relationresultDefinitely not the reason ,our own internal communication can also be .
Just when Fernando also communicates with said until they and the other troops joined will help us .... , relationresultInMosa words has not stopped speaking, intense repeatedly bang up ,as the ringing sound like thunder in the so intense the battlefield was very common ,but as it is sounded continuously ,it is not so common .
Especially in BOT demon army behind the first line of defense in place, it would be unusual .relationresultItalso could not answer Mosa words ,sergeant on a bright, such as arrows ,straight up into the sky .
relationresultOpenup the sergeant hardtop with hit upon small magic attack, look to the explosion of the place ;eye sight not only let him one :not far from the front of the original stars of trade union headquarters buildings and the Union army ,who are fighting and the enormous tree even without any sign of an exploded !relationresultThisis not a joke ;after a tussle ,Treants now unclear in buildings of various local and Union army fighting against .
They have violent explosions in addition to nearby allied soldiers took a fatal blow ,but also damage the surrounding buildings .So that in former days brilliant stars trade union headquarters buildings now completely collapsed ,ripped off buildings fell not blown into the building ,in which mutual action, Sergeant can see only a piece of dust and numerous Union Army soldiers of amputation stump arm .
relationresultSuch a sightcompletely shocked BOT ,he thought the devil had such power ,that why the devil from the Great Wall ,to know the tree suddenly rebel played a very good results ,as long as half magic can timely counterattack is not difficult to get the first line of defense ,why such a big waste time destroy the strength of the assault fortified positions Shuren and building group .
relationresultTheBOT is confused, suddenly a lot of half magic second front charge and not see banners nor howl ,like a group of night wolf hunting opponents ,rapid gloomy ,Beats by Dre Just Beats.relationresultThedemon warrior neat queued even this charge does not allow formation any slack, and they were doing fine processing ,fast Gao Min fighters and heavy power warrior mage ,or even .
According to a reasonable proportion of all mixed together ,the whole army in the operation process of fast and slow ,slow quickly .relationresultFor a long timein the army as a bot can easily see ,this half demon forces elite degree is not inferior to the Union army, this should be the devil by Continental Building with first army time to training out of the demon warrior forces ,see real rival to his comrades rushed into chaos ,sergeant.
Eyes suddenly flashed very brutal light ,he hurried to the acoustic Rune roared: Fernando ,I am bot ,come on and let you brother rally, a large number of the soldiers rushed .
You are against them, I take people from behind the attack ,we force attack off these disgusting guy . , relationresult.....Good ....Good ...But just the explosive is too heavy ,I organize forces may need time ,advanced attack you ,I immediately reorganized forces ,now also not casualties .
... , relationresultno casualties ,directly with the troops on top, Edward ?Let him take the first army on the first ,you contact the remaining troops .As long as it is in the first line of defence was alive with Union soldiers ,as long as you hold these half demon ,we again from the back of a ,this can not only delay the enemy control the first line of defense against time ,can let us first army to regroup .
It is of great significance . , relationresult....Well ,I will do .Just Edward ... , relationresultEdward has gone ,do not know is dead or run, in short he is Kao out of .I fall ,I hear you talk ,I absolutely support BOT ,although it is still impossible to contact headquarters ,but let us first army troops continue to command was no longer fit, which from the beginning is not suitable .
...I support the chief master sergeant ,I first Army Department report ,I take it over 3000 human ,elf up, you must hurry to Orc brothers ,Artist Series. He is full of ruins ,ruins ,many wearing the black and red armor into the spirit of the ape-like flash ,then flying side side team ,is almost instantaneously in the air to complete a sharp tip, a straight bar under the road line moving half demon legion ,both sides also did not contact ,colored small magic attack is in between each break .
relationresultDifferentattitudes and practices for BOT helmet face Lou had some satisfied smile ,suddenly he had a strange joy ,high voice through another piece of sound : all Runestones raw chaos Corps brothers ,listen to my command ,to turn around on it just exploded .
Forward ,we separate the brothers with a pincer attack kill those who half demon . , relationresultIs . , relationresultBOTcommands in pure Orc army is absolutely not in place to implement such a problem ,an instant .
One thousand of the black body armor warrior ,red skin on floating in the air ,all off .These soldiers of anarchy and now set as second enemy defenses ,so although this time many half demon in the first line of defense against ,but the demon army is placed on the army attention is no reduction .
relationresultIs abot launched at that time, rain magic attack not hit and was then ordered the troops to ,Sergeant dragged from the trenches ,so the big moves, because do need to timely meet in front of the brothers ,two dead on time in the busy front half demon ,inability to them too much blow .
relationresultBut nowjust a lift-off ,the distance against the unabated ,BOT astounded armor scarlet a bilge, was launched off again ,in the higher place ,Sergeant finally know why one thousand troops will be so intensive attack .
Not far away on the ground, a strange flag high flying, underneath it all ,countless heavy armor ,helmet with holes are not warriors, being regarded as the ground trenches like rapid advance towards the bot .
relationresultThesearmor soldier in the rear ,at least one compilation mage mission is to stop the release of various small attack spells ,is now the subject of long-range mostly from here .
But this is not the most horrible .The most horrible is ;this armor soldier is not only appears in one place ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,at least three directions are raised the armour warrior flag ,but these three have plenty of fight in sb.
forces from the direction of view is entirely run corps to chaos .relationresultIn the eyes of thestate make BOT creep ;he has a very bad feeling ,such an enemy he only meeting in the military in the crystal ball seen ,union officials think they must be the devil kiss Wei ,number of absolute number . Related articles:

