
Beats By Dr Dre Solo wave dragon mutual

The intelligence report is ample, we dragon in the sky believe in from be as far as possible of for the expensive door beg for return, even if want to weigh up nine Hua mountains, we will also consider."
Dragon mutually the wood quickly shake head a way:"Cloud protected a method to misunderstand, isn't that the my door threw to lose what ancient works, but, but" original eloquence very nice dragon mutually the wood also don't know how to express, because this affair isn't easy to do, oneself after all also has some guilty.Because Long Ren Tang publicizes everywhere, he has already known the reason that Long Xin Yuan leaves, the lies of four elders naturally of be also broken by his Chuo of hardhead, but the all theses all have been too late, and oneself woulds not like to give up the seat of the service ghost door lord in the door, either.
Looking at row to win less all over the face of impatient, cloud English smiles a way:"Since isn't a service ghost the door throw to lose ancient works, so be multiply by a breeze way,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, row Zhang door need not so Mian Tian, throw to lose although the ancient works is some to say not export, the correct processing in time is a correct choice.However, my seeming has never heard similar information, don't know to is the affair that when takes place recently?"Cloud English was from a distance a burst of to talk nonsense, tore apart a topic.Long Xin Yuan and none of Han Fengs are fools, they from mentioned the time of"ancient works" know is hurtling they two person comes of, however they would not like to now let go, everything has cloud English at good.
Deeply breathed an one breath, dragon mutually the wood use a kind of way of being very deep and low euphonic slowly:"The affair isn't cloud to protect the method says of so, main dragon in former incumbent door in the my door mutually looks for and madam, Qin Rou Shui, be made a surprise attack by the demon, unfortunately die in an accident, left heart source a kid, at the same time also will this of the token of promise white jade make to handed over to him with the ancient works 《the service ghost is airtight to record 》 ."
This affair almost all door middlemen all know that cloud English nods a way:"The former incumbent Dragon gate lord has what message or is loose the type of life, tell you the whereabouts of these things?Or your own guess?"He this is to know perfectly well past ask, does the dragon mutually look for final reckoning to not thought of his/her own funeral affairs, oneself is after all also lord in the door of one front door parties, the superior of service ghost doesn't calculate little.
See a dragon mutually the wood lower the head language not, five elders are on behalf unbearable answer way:"Certainly had, front lord in the door leave to spread a book and tell us these two whereaboutses of treasure things and also say to wait until the heart source 18-year-old self-discipline after having results to show can after allow an of a lord."Suddenly discover this, five elders just understand a dragon wood why mutually would not like to speak, however he is still a bit not greatly understand, hasn't Long Xin Yuan already given up an of a lord "active"?This still has what have scruples about so much?
Cloud English "suddenly realize" and repeatedly nods a way:"You are to want to seek a heart source, let him return to after allow lord in the door is be not?Although the heart source has already done obeisance me as teacher, after all dragon in the sky believes in of the margin of of a common pupil and the service ghost door in the door lord is too big, I will respect the choice of heart source."Put the skill that the section beats Hun, cloud English comes home very much and smilingly conjecture a dragon mutually wood and five elders, looking at their facial expression more and more difficult see.
"The heart source has already handed over main white jade in the door make and automatically give up after allow a qualifications of lord, we for underworld under of ex- lord in the door also have 1 to hand over to treat.And the service ghost of now the door have already had eldest brother to connect lord in the Zhang door, this affair that is a door to all know isn't likely to change."Five elders quickly say this problem clearly, but haven't spoken own purpose.
Cloud English nods a way:"If would the heart source not like to give up the seat of the service ghost door lord in the door, whether can also take office the service ghost door lord in the door?"Say facial expression how really not of dragon mutually wood, cloud English in the mind noodles also has some not great, they this is has gone too far in insult, force Long Xin Yuan to this to incredibly still need to come to pick up quarrel.
Dragon mutually wood and five elders are a bit embarrassed, five elders could not touch the way of brains:"Would the heart source not like to give up a seat of lord?That why last time arrived headquarters will put forward to come to give up on one's own initiative?And lord in the door since has already made selection to change of, at least before the incumbent door lord didn't abdicate is can not.The heart source is no longer this middleman, so 《the service ghost is airtight to record 》 we have a necessity to take back."
The row is little medium to also nod a way:"Han Feng is also similar, he is no longer to multiply by breeze way pupil, and the ancient works on the body should return this parties."
"Former incumbent door lord in the expensive door looses a life is 《 service ghost is airtight to record 》and the white jade make to hand over to Long Xin Yuan, is also say Long Xin Yuan whether gave up service ghost door can not with white the jade make to prove.And 《the service ghost is airtight to record 》 is the heart source father's keepsake, you even do these all want to rob?This seem the heart source is a heart source of private possession, no one can seize.After all this is behave father of stay a trophy finally to the kid."The words of cloud English are really true, the dragon mutually looks for in addition to 《the service ghost is airtight to record 》 and main white jade in the door make to don't leave for son really what another thing.
Long Xin Yuan ruthlessly orders a way:"Your hearts was to be greedy for too much, main white jade in the door that robbed me made still not enough?"

Chapter 8 blockades Long Hun(1)

Robbed main white jade in my door to make, Long Xin Yuan's words immediately the elephant is the rock that threw in water inside in the pond, arose a built-up wave, dragon mutually the wood's facial expression become very difficult to see for an instant.Chen Song lowers the head language not, finally understood in the heart why come previous he will in every possible way give reason and feel a burst of indisposition in row little center, oneself whether also robbed Han Feng future the seat of the Zhang door?Cloud sky Long Zongs like Wu Jun Deng was got a fright by Long Xin Yuan, originally isn't the seat that he gives up the service ghost door lord in the door on his own initiative.Eastern cloud, Qin Huai Shui, Chen Tong and Xu Jun Yi didn't thought of there is some reactions in this mishap brain don't come over, unique can calm down of only have for a sky, Long Si Jie, looking all of them knows inside story.
"What!?"Five elders jumped to roar a way:"Heart source what do you say?Isn't that you give up a main seat on your own initiative, hand over to go out main white jade to make?"The necks of five elders of choler are all red, voice abnormality of big, suddenly stood and looking at Long Xin Yuan's eyes to stare the dead is big.Imitating a Buddha to want to see through Long Xin Yuan similar was 1 to peep out to disdain to and atmosphere of in addition to facial expression, have no one silk ten cents of frightened can talk.
Long Xin Yuan hates of way:"Do I let out on my own initiative?Hum, why do I want to guard a gate main white jade to make to let out?That is the keepsake that the father stays to me, why do I so in brief will hand over to you?"
"You not because own natural intelligence is poor, and missed the prime time of self-discipline but give up?"The words of five elders just discovered on exporting not satisfactory, if Long Xin Yuan gave up to fix a way, why did that still need to do obeisance under cloud English door to fix a way?Does the noodles really have a problem here?Seemed to thought of what, five elders immediately and tightly looking at a dragon mutually Lin Wen Dao:"Eldest brother why wants to hastily ascend the throne?The time that ascends the throne big Dian heart source why meeting not at?Isn't what Xin Yuan says true?"Although the temper is a bit irascible, can he isn't a fool.
Dragon mutually the wood impatiently shake a way:"Do not you want to ask to be so much not very good?What is up arriving should say of time my nature will tell you."
This words doubted not is to recognize tacitly, the chilly way of Long Xin Yuan:"You fool me to leave a main white jade to make and take the time that I return to ascending the throne of urgently hasty fire fire.You are frightened that the teacher will find out me, descend nine ghost invitations ask him to attend your riteses, let us lose it hand over arm.Wait until as everythings are all becoming settled situation, do you still want to rend away my Mi book?"Long Xin Yuan's words let five elders want to understand a lot of affairs that didn't understand before and let oneself have clear understanding.
The facial expression of cloud English is a bit not good, Long Xin Yuan really had some to excite too much and sank a voice to drink a way:"The heart source can not talk like this, isn't the place that you talk here."Long Xin Yuan tooks a look cloud English, know that the teacher really has some angry, just shutting up of darling, turn a head to see also and don't see a dragon mutually wood and five elders.The atmosphere immediately becomes an abnormality embarrassed, the air seems is condense similar, let people breathe heavily however annoy.
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