
beats dr dre e a robber or suffe

The fruit has already wanted to follow mine, then together past-"
Say, then got those robbers, walk at front, led in a short while, turn head again a to see, those several thousand flow a people to unexpectedly have no one person downfall, all heel come up, also start to admire to ownly judge in the heart.
"Big uncle, what is your surname?"The Su square says so much in the robber bad say under, ascend their few only horses, then receive that middle age to ask a way.
"~~~I don't need your surname Chen, full river, small brothers you?"
"I call Su square, the big uncle calls me small convenience line."The Su square answers a way.
"Ha ha, that I give big, see you the young effort would be such get, definitely limitless in the future~~~" listen to that Chen full river openly say with smile.
Walk all the way, the Su square followed Chen Man Jiang to chat and also knew some circumstances.
This Chen full river is home to keep belonging to another small city-Zhang Kou Cheng that the province closes to a capital city, the home generation opens of Biao bureau, spread to him this generation, ever since that time warfare first,beats dr dre, , the robber walks sideways under, also open not to get up, had to dismiss, now the battle fire spread to there, can't, had to leave the place that the generation lives, stay far away from home, needs after battle fire stopped again see the opportunity to have returning to.
The "ha ha~~~ full uncle Jiang joked~~~ to, full uncle Jiang sees you just of the artistic skill seemed to be formerly to once do~~~" Su square can not help saying with smile as well.
"Hi- I the effort of those two hands three feet cats, beat severals to still go, if dash up, that doesn't go~~~"
"Ha ha..."The Su square smiled to smile, later on again think in a short while, then ask a way:
"Full uncle Jiang, I have a viewpoint, after getting to place right away, if those robbers be let it be willing to be accepted to take to arrive, if can not accept, also have to depend force, wait after solving these, I want to make you take care of first them and take them to open a farmland to pioneer, and accept Long some flow a people, be also unlikely so many people all become a robber,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, or suffer unpredictable on the road, you see how?"The Su square spoke his/her own viewpoint and asked a way to Chen Man Jiang.
If Chen Man Jiang heard a Su square and pondered in a short while and called a way:"Good idea!The little square thinks really quite goodly, be just...I am afraid hard is many, furthermore my effort is lowly, again had a robber to come, perhaps hard prop up?"
The Su square sees Chen Man Jiang promising down and then saying with smile:"This pours not a problem, I stay here for two days, again teach you some efforts, you again keep on teaching, as for flow a people, you as long as the place that can give them a safety takes care of Wen Bao again, should nothing important problem, then can see result in January, how?"
Chen Man Jiang can not help fondling Zhang to say with smile:"This then became, little square's idea poured really Kui not to is a good method, do so."
Chen Man Jiang is straightforward, arrive to also have no to wriggle so more, see a nothing important difficult of and then promised down, besides he inside of river person loyalty in lake liver righteousness Dan also to these flow a people is a regrets very much, have an opportunity now, he certainly wants a to exert ability!
"Ha ha~~~ that they hereafter then handed over to full uncle Jiang-"
2 people to see one eye, can not help all smiling!
The second more at around 8:00 p.m., also invite everyone to continue to support, thank!!!

Is a spool of to go into any chapter 57 to settle down to flow a people
Renew time:2009-11-1713:47:56 chapter word numbers:3584

Toward connecting even mountain to go east don't arrive ten inside, then got to the place that those robbers say, Su of road square said some efforts for Chen Man Jiang up of remark based on personal experience, make Chen Man Jiang big interested in, have been keeping asking, and the Su square also ask to have toward Chen Man Jiang present greatly and together of condition, hear now of have been more and more vigorous to, not from of align Heng and together Gan 2 people are also go to it is and then quick.
"What are you a stem?"At this time, ran from the both sides of mountain tenth, robber, the dress of that whole body, poured to flow a people with these big different, saw to them not to are to flow a people, but originally was a robber, seeing come still have to spend a lot of effort, the Su square thinks like this and then drinks a way:
"Hum, seek your Chi son!"
"Tai- where come of hair head be the boy why still acting boorishly here, taking these to flow a people to think,wait we to loot, ha ha- this pours send to come well, the brotherses, how wear, don't go to a meeting meeting not that disrespectful, ha ha-" says and then walks here toward the Su square, even if this place is several thousand flow a people, they ten bearers pouring have never feared as well and imagine be humiliated by them of flow a people should all don't dare to resist.
"Is unbridled-" Su square says, a burst of vehemence broke out, this roared to mix up with some inside dint, intimidates those robbers one Leng one Leng of, pour also and don't dare again forward.
"Do according to this childe's words,did not you hear?"Chen Man Jiang talked.
"The Pei-the brotherses don't listen to them packing absolute being to play tricks, we all have knife and also feared them- up-" is also, all break on a group of Human bodies ragged lousy of, seeing all of these robbers is one cringing from fear of face, that kind of the facial expression see in those robber's eyeses, also have what very frightened of.
Besides the Su square stay one and half years in the valley and had never changed clothes as well, although it is said after arriving inborn to expect, on the body basically again have no impurities, and oneself then have already protected a body true spirit, the dust is also near not body, pour also dirty not, but so long-term,cheap beats by dre, after all will be old breakable, and Su square the statures also grew now, so is also a whole body Lan Lyu, the robber also then thinks a matter of course"return to absolute being"!
The small gold hears they say so and cannot helped but any further, a while then flee last that person's top of head, heavy pressure under, that person already the Tan keep on being soft, the small gold takes the strength of this mat feet, another feet Chuai flies a robber who lifts knife, is turning over body one Xuan, make one serial leg, that many robbers then and all crouch down, this descending it and pouring don't make inside the dint, the Su square sees when it flee to go out have already spread a sound to warn it, for canning not return to peach blossom valley but stay in the outside, the small gold has to "compromise"!
One many robbers this then all Tans be poured for an instant keep huming on the ground, see of many dimmed eyesights that flow a people are confused, lead in a short while just shout again.
"Seeing to them is a Guan thief, let's go in!"After small gold comes back, Su's convenience towards nearby some very foolish Chen Man Jiang to say.
"...."The Chen Man Jiang Leng Leng answers a way and just return to absolute being again and quickly keeps up with, this for a while, this is many to flow a people any further nothing important afraid of, a monkey then can beat a flock of, haven't the host made moves and think like this, the morale poured to also upsurge a lot and also saw a hope and had already been different from the Yang Yang of starting that sort disease!
Tidied up this many followerses, the Su square arrived a nothing important also is happy, lower the head not to know is just thinking what, Chen Man Jiang tooks a look and pour to also have no again talk.
At those surrender of flow a leading of people under, a public arrive at halfway up a hill of a big house front, this should is an adult house and sees that Gao wall and among them numerous houses, the Su square thinks like this a way.
"Hey-how did you come in?"The followers that sees that front door guarding a door before severals loudly shouts a way.
The Su square pours to have no this time then say just the words of that sort, but once the body form float, that followers hasn't seen pure, the person has already been lightly lifted by the Su square, not from frighten face all white, how horrible-this if give oneself one knife, that not is don't even know how to dies.
"It is big...It is big...Big Xia....Have...Words good..Say...Say..."Fright under, the words all could not remembered clearly Chu, while that other persons all don't dare to come forward as well and shout a , all run to return to yard, see to is to make people go to, the Su square smiled to smile and threw the followers in the hand to a part, but didn't think, he unexpectedly fainted-
After a little while, listens to inside a sound and shout of gushed 100 many individuals, the noodles is like each difference, but all not Related articles:

