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Over there, the Xu Jun Yi, the very silly station of Chen Tong et al's way boundary robs difficult finally wanted, the God is unexpectedly really so cruel, not only let cloud English have the reason to thoroughly escape from a boundary, but also to can kill to the utmost lending of world all door middlemens.
The hero tears have been already ended, please concern 《the evil soul records of the demon maneuver 》 !!!
Listen to for many times recently the net friend say to see enounce all and originally but not complete 《the evil soul records of hero tears 》 entity book, to this I can deplore greatly of say:Being not my is wrong.Because I basically don't know this entity book, my work only 《tender feelings 》 publish a traditional Chinese version in Taiwan, having no of rest publisher once contacts with me, and the copyright has been all putting at me.Now I can again and again say, the hero tears didn't publish!I have never authorized anyone or organization to publish it at least

Chapter 21 is volatile

"Not!"Cloud English lightly shakes head, firm way:"No one can nearby rend away from I you, even if is the whole way boundary no one can do as well of way.Ying Ying, you and the kids can't occupy of, even if wanting me to kill to the utmost world all friars also doesn't matter.Become evil also become immortal also good, you are my wife,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, my wife of cloud English.Small dream, you go away 1:00, the elder brother wants to save your elder brother's wife."
Cloud dream is some to frighten into inaction, send forth a strong vehemence to let on cloud English body she has to stay back several Zhangs and pour out a tablet cloud English silently to Xu Ying Fang into mouth, the latter face last one sweet light tone way:"Now even if make me depart from this life right away, I am also wearing a smile to leave.Elder brother Yun, the this present life has you, the Ying Ying has been very contented."
"The nobody can hamper us together, Ying Ying, believe me!You can't occupy."Once cloud English grind teeth, the hands quickly kept on clapping in allowing Ying body, a short moment time Xu Ying Shen's top then appeared a light ball to tightly surround Xu Ying, and the light ball sends out light purple sheen.Cloud English with fling out several ways to work properly a sign to fly into Xu Ying Ti to is missing to copy Zong.
The sign paper that takes out a blank, cloud English quickly bit open his/her own finger, at top with hand doodle, a short moment time comes out to together and bloodily work properly a sign, cloud English makes this working properly the sign oddness of put at Xu Ying's center of the chest.Is malicious malicious on grinding teeth, the thunder light sword appears in cloud English hand, dark way:The success or failure is here with one action, on time put together to the utmost oneself's all powers also want to let to allow Ying to live down smoothly, can not also hurt to own kid.
"Gold Long San Xing!Break!"Cloud English hands came together strong power, suddenly on making an effort, "bomb" however huge ring medium the strong power fly to spread everywhere, a way sword spirit maneuvers to dance in the wind cloud English body up leave a way scar blood direct current, but he completely regardless of, the facial expression is tiny some pale, gold dragon the variety slowly become a gold dragon for working properly under the guide line of cloud English for a full sky of golden light and still have inside the gold dragon translucent body red only flow at 2:00.
"My blood is a Mei, gold Long Fu Ti!"Cloud English one roars loud, the gold dragon is rapid to hurtle into inside Xu Ying's body, the latter whole body is a burst of to violently shiver, and the corner of mouth bites a wisp of thrombus to imitate Buddha painful appearance.Cloud English hands want cave to rove around in her back, full on the arm is the drop of blood a little in allowing a Ying body, along with 1.1 drops of passage in time, Xu Ying Shen's top appears way golden light, a little spreads all over whole body, while the scar on cloud English body's bleeding have been once stopping.
"My blood is a Mei, gold Long Ting makes and turns a form to settle a soul!"Cloud English hands quickly draw with his/her own blood in allowing a Ying head under a strange of print to record, the golden light a little in Xu Ying Ti disappeared, while cloud English face top then peeped out one light smiling face of putting on.
"Elder brother, you got hurt."Cloud English just removed strong power forbid make, anxious cloud dream already rush toward into the bosom of cloud English, taking out some miracle drugs wonder drugs that searched to pare off there from cloud English quickly spread for him up, blood very quick live, but continuous of in great quantities lose blood or let his face up take light pallor.
Start to embrace soundly asleep already of Xu Ying, cloud English chillily conjecture surrounding about 100 friars have never said a words turn round and then go toward to outside walk, owner all drive he icy cold of the look in the eyes got a fright, this time not is suitable ask for his time.See the facial expression of cloud English pallor, have been hiding Chen Fei in the outside to suddenly grind teeth to walk out:"Cloud English, you already drive we way the door surround, being seized without putting uping a fight of darling, I know that you lose blood excessive haven't struck back of dint, as long as not resisting of your darling, we can stay you a whole corpseses."
The words sound hasn't fallen, the gold of golden light one Shan cloud English Long Bao Dao has already got to the neck that Chen flies up, still keep so-soly embracing Xu Ying in the hand, cloud English chilly way:"I in a bad humor, you die.""Burst Chi-" blood splashes, left on the Chen Fei neck together profound blood scar, " flies son!"Chen Song who just waked up sees this act again faint.
Imitating Buddha have nothing at all to once take place is similar, cloud English is quiet to looking at the light tone way of Xu Ying of bosom:"Ying Ying, elder brother Yun isn't so silly hereafter, who obstruct us together, elder brother Yun killed him not very good?Leave, we should go home.Walk, my children."White feather, Venus, gold Cape and water month, breeze bell and fire cloud immediately sends out one to roar loud, vastly and mightily of to face river's wine shop and outside walk to, all door none of middlemans dare to make a noise and let in succession a road.The persons like court,etc is silent in eastern cloud, Qin Huai Shui, Xu Jun Yi and cloud of heel go out, no one dares to make a noise, cloud English thoughts and feelings in this time and it is unsteady, as long as the impulses of a little can cut my owner to to the utmost kill to cut off.
Cloud dream takes a silent root of gold and silver sable in the behind, cloud English walks to billowing river's side is long long of shout one breath cachinnation way:"Being evil is not- evil, way non- way, everything according to situation, ten thousand matters are dimly discernible.The decade advertises for a war, a few person Jis,Ha ha ha ha, The Ao smiles for nine days, the breeze floats Yao, the breeze soul goes to also."Cloud English in the cachinnation voice jumps up to jump to go to the billowing big river, six worked properly a monster to quickly make track for up.
Suddenly the difference changes the Tu rise, the together black light is rapid from the billowing big river in hurtled to come up, going straight to cloud English speed can not talk quickly."Is you!"Cloud English quickly spared a hand gold Long Bian to quickly win up."Seven unique absolute being pianos shake world!"One roars loud strong vehemence in voice to lose from that small dark shadow body up send forth, is a blood baby!He unexpectedly appeared in this time, strangely fits?!Or early have been already premeditated?!
"Bomb" blood the baby broke through the figure of cloud English and went upstream, six work properly a monster and send out an earthquake for sky of roaring cry, water fire thunder and lightning breeze respectively beat out and just once displayed oneself most really is to have no way luck to gather power for strongly and extremely recruiting the blood baby after, wanted to evade confrontation with already too late, seven unique absolute being pianos are suddenly rapid and become big face ascend six work properly a monster.Magic trick's taking the offensive is held up by seven unique absolute being pianos, "bang bang bang" gold Cape, water month, breeze bell and fire cloud was four to ruthlessly draw blood baby's several tails, beat this momentary can not come together the devil king of power to vomit a few bloods, six work properly a monster to looking at cloud English downfall arose the place that the huge wave spends to hurtle pass by.
"Small English!"Several voices roar loud to spread, the court whole body in cloud is one Zhan, four shadow of human figures curl up to hunt information rapid hurtle to river's side is exactly the cloud Wu Jun, cloud sun of the exhausted full face sorrow, brave cloud, cloud can."We arrived late, small English."Cloud Wu Jun Be mumbling to oneself to looking at to start to be suffused with a burst of acute pain in the river noodles heart of huge ripples, oneself absolutely can't let the pediatric son suffer hardship again, this decision that is oneself to inwardly make after he subdue little friend of row, oneself can still have no way protection good he.
"Why!Why?!-"The tears of the cloud martial gentleman flowed out, cloud sun, brave cloud, cloud can be unexpectedly quiet this time of frighten a person, but this equanimity back contain what, no one knows.According to the other people's viewpoint, cry bitterly of should be cloud sun, brave cloud, cloud can three brotherses are a sky, Long Zong believes in of cloud Wu Jun should ast least be able to overcome own for a while of, but they have never thoughted of the outside is firm and uncompromising to the pole of cloud Wu Jun will in the middle cry to make a noise.One pain in the court heart in cloud, the sky Long Zong creates all alone by himself/herself of have no tears hero, unexpectedly have today two all cry Related articles:

