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Guard to knot boundary, they are very safe now.But hide at in, looking at a female kid and devil king to, in his heart always the felling isn't very comfortable, and the real strenght of the opponent is so violent, display of the means is thus cruel, if be absorbed blood to break bowel Gu to drill into result inside the body to be so terrible we dare not think about it.
Together red light flicker, quick of toward the Shu fairy hurtle in the past, the eyebrows of cloud English wasn't tightly wrinkly to get up, Hun however had never seen to arrive to nearby looking at his cloud to return, one face of lose.Elder brother be really excessively, so passionate to the elder sister and the Shu fairy, unexpectedly and with one action none of words says with oneself, is really the opposite sex nobody again.This is the Gu absolute being that absorbs blood to break bowel Gu, cloud English doesn't dare to neglect, gold Long Bian appears in hand and roared loud to do a thing for grasping, turning an eye one is fat of the big fatty cat appear in the his hand, however the Rong hair on the body is fire red.
"Eldest brother seeks me to occupy?, The sleeping is really comfortable, just I dream a sky of absolute being younger sister Shou, they are still so beautiful, similar to me so passionate.Eldest brother, I ignored, you disturbed my beautiful dream, compensate I absolute being younger sister Shou."God of fire monster in the sky is dissatisfied with very much cloud English grasps out oneself so, the sudden is to feel what, the vision throws a while to Shu fairy, " a lot of foods!I want to eat!"
"Pang!"Cloud English mercilessly on its forehead K for a while, the spirit shouts of say:"You are a pig, in addition to dream be eat.Was seeing that who?Her thing you dare to also eat.Carefully I re- beat you original shape once and throw evil absolute being piano in town once in go.Return absolute being younger sister Shou, you give I thoroughly foolish in person's boundary."
", Don't , eldest brother, I know wrong, I don't eat be.The eldest brother is so astute and courageous …of shameless scoundrels, absolutely can't maltreat a little animal of, is be not?I am to obey most most of god of fire monster Chan cat in sky.Want ~only a words of eldest brother, go through fire and water regardless the sacrifice."Go through fire and water, Xi Xi, doesn't that want to be full?
For the big cat that shouts and makes, cloud English also has feeling helpless, hurried way:"Like like, since you like going through fire and watering, eldest brother I help you, however if you dare to cause disturbance for me, not obedient, I hereafter really ignore you.See that insect son in red?Absorb blood to break bowel Gu at that time, go to and give° it me to broke off."God of fire monster in the sky came right away interest, the love song of the fire of Shu fairy was it past world, the true fire of inside is absolutely its favourite, now not take this opportunity thoroughly enjoy in retrospect some isn't huge waste.Immediately preparing for a fight will hurtle up and greatly appear.
"The Shu fairy is our person, if dare to commit tomfoolery, I absolutely can not put you.Still have, forbid you to take her to the palace grounds to go, almost wanted my old life last time, appear some mistake this time, eldest brother Yan you."Cloud English mercilessly stared one eye god of fire monster in the sky, the latter right away Kua come down, looking at opposite, that blood baby, mercilessly think:Smelly boy, why don't you display the magic trick that the fire fastens?The Lao Tze white stem of harming lives to have no advantage, your dead settled today.
"Sou" god of fire monster in the sky turns to make together red light and throw to the love song of the fire of Shu fairy, imitating the Buddha is to feel what, the true fire is unexpectedly bright a while, "shout" on all sides of flame a while soon arrive Shu fairy to nearby absorb the Gu absolute being earthquake that the blood break bowel Gu to back several rices far.God of fire monster in the sky a held tight that to absorb blood to break the soul Gu Gu absolute being, roared loud to deliver out the fire in sky, "pull" Gu absolute being immediately broke into 2 and struggled to go toward back to run.Good boy god of fire in the sky says a to see, , you dare to also run, a dozen however I come right away two, I am god of fire monster in a sky.Leaving no chance to explain two the claws quickly hold tight to settle into two Gu absolute being before, combustion with violent fire in the sky, the Gu absolute being sends out one sad cry became fragment.
At present one red light, innumerable of a little bit small and red quickly escape, god of fire monster in the sky hangs in mid air, it is what is the row to have some not to understand this.The ear suddenly spread the roaring cry of cloud English:"Idiot, all of these are to absorb blood to break bowel Gu, it was contused by you, also not quick exterminate them."God of fire monster in the sky beat 1 to arouse to work properly, the "shout" jet came to one mouthful very thick flame, the red light of in front immediately disappears cleanly.But its action was still slow some, have already had some to allow red light to fly to return to seven unique pianos.
The blood baby gets a shock, the ray of light of seven unique pianos is a burst of and dreary, this trifle is what things, unexpectedly almost ownly absorb blood to break bowel Gu complete demolish, perhaps having no several a hundred years can hardly let it resumes.Is since opportunistic don't become, that is seen with fire whose power be getting more profound to the fire, the blood baby will never believe after getting an evil soul of he or she, the power will compare a magic clan girl about 20 years old is lowly.Oneself now but the superior of devil king's Class, even if can also become one in the evil boundary square Ba lord.
"Strong flame lion!Is raging flames to bite a sky!"Blood baby the piano sound change again, a two Zhang enough to spare of huge fire the red lion slowly appear in the sky.The bright fire burns red half side sky, split on beginning Jun of ground, a way fracture appears, numerous trees wither away from the Ran.God of fire monster in the sky immediately the double eye put light, delicious of!This fire chemical element that is the other party to send out, oneself enjoys for a while, the eldest brother should can't blame and scold me just to, I this but listen to the conductor of eldest brother, just fight with opponent.Can not kill them a while, otherwise eat not satisfied, to, like a dozen in a short while, if eat not to finish can slowly pack.
A lion roars astounding, take lovely pagoda as guarding of corpus knot boundary a burst of rock, the way door middleman sees struck with fright or horror, cover with poison Feng just walked off and then appeared a what absorbed blood break bowel Gu, even cloud English, dragon mutually wood, Chen Song all wanted avoid three give up, but drive cloud English not know where make out a big cat to make a ground bone of powder body.The way door middleman hasn't come yet and rejoice, a head of thus huge fire the red lion appear at their in front is only one to roar loud and then make the lovely pagoda sustaining of guarding and knotting the boundary take place violent vibration,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.This blood baby was too badly, oneself waits person to really had no advantage in front of him, the absolute being machine isn't so deal with of, the common method machine can not match another at all.
The double eye has never left charmingly feminine pretty woman, disappointed if the silver stick losing spreads densely on Yin cloud of face at the moment, the affair of of cloud English and charmingly feminine pretty woman he sees clearly, she even doesn't hesitate her own life for the sake of cloud English.Break the power of soul absolute being drum what it is huge, oneself that was evil to explode she can prop up to explain that cloud English didn't tell a lie till now, the charmingly feminine pretty woman really might once take legendary can come back from the brink of death of Wang Jin Dan in the sky.Demon boundary first beauty, oneself liked several thousand years of charmingly feminine pretty woman to unexpectedly fancy one personal friar, and still had two friars of girl friends.This is what he disallows to see, the world over in addition to oneself, no one goes together with ascend charmingly feminine pretty woman, even if cloud English also not ability.
"The hell bites a soul!A the achievement become ten thousand ghosts cry!"Silver stick one roars loud and breaks soul absolute being to fill the air on black cloud of drum, the Yin breeze rises everywhere, a returned a soul to fly out and made threatening gestures of make a pounce upon cloud English.
New book 《the evil soul records of the demon maneuver 》 has already started uploading and hopes that the book friends that like my work come to pay tribute more, medium the mountain fox once thanks here!Already more than 100,000 words got into a new book ranking, but the placings hope that everyone lifts up for me after depending very much, medium the mountain fox be extremely grateful!!There is a superfluous recommendation ticket hitting demon to maneuver to come up possibly!

Chapter 25 absolute being machine fights(2)

"The hell bites a soul!A the achievement become ten thousand ghosts cry!"Silver stick one roars loud and breaks soul absolute being to fill the air on black cloud of drum, the Yin breeze rises everywhere, a ghost flew out and made threatening gestures of make a pounce upon cloud English.
Cloud English eyebrows a wrinkly, outside beat this time the sky faint a ground of dark, although the ghost of silver stick is afraid fire in the true fire, sky,the general flame seems and has no function to these things with no entity.Seven unique pianos plus to break the soul absolute being drum, really be not is easy to deal with, "small black, those little devils pleased."Soul inside in town silver light four shoot, the animal of a head of puppy shape flew out, two wings of amiabilities rush toward to fly Related articles:

