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Blowing, blowing the hot .relationresultAlthoughthe soldiers kept wiping the sweat from his face ,but one still neat sitting bolt upright on horseback to be prepared to meet the challenge ,no lax .
Make over Yan Long very satisfied .The pursuit for a total of four thousand five hundred people ,including five hundred people be Wanyan long Pro Weijun ,another four thousand is to change the light armor iron pagoda .
Each had two horses to press forward day and night alike ,a road ,two days and two nights finally arrived at the seaside .relationresultAgeneral but Wanyan Chen monk ,Guo toad has four players :acts alone ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,with loyalty ,Yelv element should be removed ,a .
As well as from Huining Temple of four monks .The four monks although not universal wind close disciples ,but also in Huining Temple second generation disciple ,martial arts high no less Jianghu class master ,especially at the joint attack ,Cape Wind is specially frigate, through Yan Changzhi ,even the Wanyan long for their respect ,as their uncle ,general circumstances will dare to send their .
relationresultWanyanChen monk get under the helmet ,the disc in the neck of the bullwhip off, wiped the sweat on his forehead ,said: the good ,the hot weather, today there will be a thunderstorm .
, relationresultWanyanlong well before looking at still with smoke billowing out of three fire : white robe army seems to be arrived here last night ,fires are probably give their get-away fleet .
On the horseshoe traces of is also very new ,never more than a day . , relationresultWanyanChen monk to wear helmets, said: the white robe army won run away ,should be in the neighborhood, along the hoof prints ,should soon to find them .
, relationresultTwo people aretalking, a card spy Pegasus went before them ,said: their adults ,horseshoe traces has to go to the sea there is no . , relationresultOh.Wanyan length slightly unexpected ,but soon realized that : they must be on the water away ,so that water can wash away the white robe army traces left .
Yang Yan at this point still with great care ,is admirable . , relationresultWanyanChen and naomichi : if so ,a white robe army is not likely to go far ,we sent to look for ,can find their .
, relationresultWanyanlong nodded ,and said: and they are unlikely to leave the sea ,just along the coast were to find it . -- , relationresultSeacage as the thick clouds, sea was still seems to have a white flash on the hop dance ,but can any sail shadow .
relationresultDullif air pressure .Some breathless .But from the heart of the pressure is the main reason for worry .From last night to this noon ,time has past ten hours ,but still can aid fleet shadow .
Hiding in the woods near the sea the rest of Song Jun every one heart like a rock ,heavy .Apart from the occasional news a Ma ,everyone is silent ,even the most ordinary love talking Cao Xun and dull .
Only Eagle White did not know any sorrow ,can take one in the boundless sky soar .relationresultAlthough according todate ,our fleet should have arrived, but they may not be docked at the seaside ,will hide in a secluded island nearby waiting for .
From the map view ,from the nearest island is twenty miles north of Salmonella Island ,either the previous or present the Song Dynasty ,there are criminals exiled helped convict .Song Jun was not anchored there ,just may hide in the far north of camel based island or island ,and Island Lake area .
The farthest distance was close to 100 ,you can immediately see the fire grate for signal ,coming also need a period of time .relationresultPerhaps wait one or two days . By the time Yang Yan also be put in a quandary ,he can only stand on the edge of the woods ,eyes staring at the sea ,anxious and worried look forward to the emergence of fleet .
In fact, every man is hiding a did not dare ask ,even dare to think of the problem :the fleet will come true ?relationresultThe currentdeputy food enough for two or three days ,but Yang Yan wasn but heart food ,fishing ,hunting ,because they can rely on vegetables, fruit ,and even kill the horse charge when the food is sufficient to support five or six days .
The Yang Yan but the heart is to the sea expedition to lose the aspect ,freedom of manoeuvre ,but was found for the Golden Army ,only in situ wait for death copies .relationresultNow the Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ning should still be in Hebei ,cheap dr dre beats,all along ,even if he knew ,to come immediately ,at least four or five days later ;the Shandong Road area of the town of Golden State garrison forces limited ,unless a set together ,otherwise may not dare to .
So at least the song should be safe . But in spite of this ,but Yang Yan is still not the effect, still send down several group of scouts ,also called Wei Chang every one hour will be white out a time in aerial surveys .
relationresultAt this moment,now flying eagle swoops down all of a sudden ,continuously making several hovering flight ,and uttered a sound is short and sharp Eagle ring .Wei Chang was a busy ,Yang Yan went to the side ,said: Yang Yan ,white found the enemy .
In the west . , relationresultAroundto hear Wei Chang Cao Xun ,high shock ,Yu public light ,Xin Qiji ,Wang Shilong immediately all around them ,they all knew this when they found the golden army is what mean? Yang Yan calmly said: everybody don ,should immediately report back with probes specific situation .
Perhaps pass by here the Jin army didn . In fact, the last sentence is comfort everyone ,even Yang Yan himself did not believe the Jin army is coincidence pass by .relationresultThen I sawa horse fly spies into Sen ,came to Yang Yan ,turn over him : Ma Yang system ,the West has a team of the Jin army, about four thousand or five thousand men ,all cavalry forward here we come .
, relationresultSuddenly,the sky flashed a light ,each person are the light shone pale ,then heard a thunder ,rain will come .relationresultButeveryone is a little sigh of relief fortunately ,only four ,beats dr dre,five thousand people only, nothing to fear .
, relationresultThen Yang Yan asked: you see what is not ,the Jin army cavalry . Listen to Yang Yan so ask ,other people and put up if the futu iron ?If five thousand iron floating ,selected syndrome army can resist ? , relationresultFortunatelyfor all spies and relieved to see clearly .
Please ,the Jin army were light cavalry army .No iron pagoda . , relationresultIt is aflash of white light ,to illuminate the Yang churned out half of the face, looked at in front of neat station column song ,Yang Yan Shen track: we all go through untold hardships to here .
As long as the get-away fleet arrives ,we will return to the big song .But the gold Junji to here ,now we have two ways ,one is to leave at once ,there is far ,can later return to the song ,but would resign oneself to one ;two is here and the Jin army wage a life-and-death struggle ,beat back the Golden Army ,to the fleet .
Your own choice ,if want to escape ,I stop .And I ,second road . , relationresultWe also selected second road .And the Jin army wage a life-and-death struggle . , relationresultWe have to die with Yang Tongzhi .
, relationresultWe all listen to Yang EC system ,left to beat the golden army . , relationresultThe public lightat the excitation of the danger of the soldiers suddenly thought: the so-called star ,will be able to help men to try to effect ability ,perhaps is the meaning of .
If true this time can never die ,but Yao Yang Yanbi will become new star song .relationresultWell ,if you do not let me down . Even in the rumble of thunder ,Yang Yan can still let everyone hear clearly : then we will make concerted efforts ,kill retirement army . Related articles:

