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More than person ,had led them, turned back to kill ,hoping to break through a tight encirclement ,and fled back to .Just just pursue spirit state army he ,Wei Mu Yanping rushes to the front, then turn to return to kill ,temporarily between there to kill it ,and blocked the road ,most of them are for killing everywhere wallop it defeated ,block Wei Mu Yanping is almost can .
relationresultWeiMu Yanping this also would like to gather up the rectification of ,well ,make concerted efforts ,deus ex ,but now the soldiers to a headless fly ,on the battlefield,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, running around, let Wei Mu Yanping to scold ,who also did not listen to him .
Wei Mu Yanping angry ,even killed three soldiers but also without the aid of Xixia ,then .relationresultSee you around,quickly to discourage Wei mu yanping .While the spirit ,who would kill to come up from behind ,Wei Mu Yanping in desperation ,had to be dropped from the army ,left to kill an opening ,bypass fled back to the village .
relationresultWhileon the battlefield, a part of the army out of the siege ,but also to the Dazhai to escape .But most of the army could not escape .Spirit state army attacked ,in Battle Shout : surrender ,surrender now .
The army had heard the sound of surrender ,also have to lay down their arms ,hands up .relationresultWeiJiao immediately ordered Song Jun not to pursue the Xixia defeated on the battlefield ,just clean the sporadic fighting ,and ordered Wang Zhonghui to lead the army closed down army ,clean up the battlefield .
relationresultTwenty-two troops to attack ( below) , relationresultThisbattle big West Xia Jun, was beheaded six thousand redundant ,captured nearly four thousand people .And won more than one thousand horses and horses ,other instruments, percussion banner countless .
And the spirit state army was killed nearly three thousand people ,the number of less than three hundred for die .relationresultSuchWei Mu Yanping around a circle, it is smooth and appropriate fled Dazhai ,lest Song Jun should be back to attack the Dazhai ,immediately ordered the closed gate ,ready to bow hard crossbow ,defended against Song Jun ,to attack .
Then check people ,in addition to the original rear Dazhai troops ,plus before he returned to the village in the army ,a total of only seven thousand or eight thousand people ,if Song Jun was really coming against Dazhai ,is just a long time keep .
Therefore, Wei Mu Yanping he commanded people to their adjacent left with state and static state to help, at the same time also sent Pegasus telegraph Xiang Qing army ,requests for reinforcements, but in his heart has been silently ,wants Song Jun to slow down a bit ,help to hurry .
relationresultBut maybeWei Mu Yanping really moved heaven, until the evening song ,nor to attack his dazhai .With state and static state to the hair Laiwuqian troops ,even Xiang Qing army also sent people to tell Wei Mu Yanping ,so he must defend Yongzhou Dazhai ,Xiang Qing army will immediately sent an army to help .
And then again many soldiers fled back to Dazhai ,continued to have gathered thousands of people .relationresultWithreinforcements ,Wei Mu Yanping also relieved many ,but some strange ,beats dr dre,Song Jun why not attack me ,people go out immediately .
The results did not know ,the original song after winning ,early withdrawal back to the spirit went to .relationresultWeiMu Yanping is completely at ease .This began to check this battle damage .
This battle the army failed miserably ,loss of over one million, fled back to Dazhai in only nine thousand ,still have large body injuries .At least two thousand of them in the short term is not restored ,then join the battle .
relationresultSong Junwithdrew ,with state and static state reinforcements can not old in Yongzhou Dazhai ,or to return to their respective garrison stationed .But reinforcements but are gone ,now with Mu Yanping Wei troops ,is also very hard to hold Yongzhou Dazhai ,so Wei Mu Yanping hastened to Xiang Qingjun mountain are written ,reported their losses ,the request to increase their own strength .
relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original �� �� ��relationresultThe next few days,the military defense of several other positions are met with Yongzhou and similar cases ,all is spirit ,Ma to challenge ,and the army spirit is the State Army ,are active against .
relationresultButthe army to go to battle ,the spirit state army or slightly resist ,and then deliberately retreat ,in the army in pursuit of time, for buried V men suddenly out of the team ,will kill big .
Or in the Xixia army and spirit state army battle going on when,beats by dre uk, suddenly from the spirit song ,fight ,fight the army a be taken by surprise ,break through the West Xia Jun array, so that the position angle of chaos, had to retreat .
But Song Jun win ,are active withdrawal ,not to attack various positions .relationresultAlthoughthe army line the seven positions has not been forces breached, but these days ,to eat several defeats ,the team around the loss added up to more than thirty thousand .
And each base losses are to be filled ,then almost Alpine holding the motor strength all exhausted .So make the mountains are also angry ,ordered various positions, since both the spirit state army also deputy to challenge ,a rate in the strongholds in their ,absolutely not to play .
relationresultYang Yan learnslater, also can funny .In fact, the army lines appear to be solid ,but in Yang Yan the fundamental cannot withstand a single blow ,because the ten force distribution near two hundred miles distance, will only make the troops dispersed ,gave Song Jun the chance to break through them one by one .
It is better to give up all the land in the east of the Yellow River ,to strengthen the defences and clear the fields ,and all the army retreated to the west coast of the Yellow River to guard the house of Xingqing area, which makes both contraction front, and make the song took place to expand, divide forces dispersed .
relationresultAnd nowfor only need breakthrough point ,global will collapse .Although each pitch point defence can support each other ,but just to play a song ,besieging enemy reinforcements and such tactics ,so only with Yang Yan this seventy thousand or eighty thousand song ,can break through the defence line .
relationresultBut Yang Yanis temporarily not to do so ,because of a shortage of troops for now after all ,although can easily break through this line of defence ,but can force the army retreated to Xingqing mansion .
But it will make their own spin battlefront ,but caused the passive systems .Therefore, at least until the high earthquake in the East army completed the goal ,song had enough troops ,only for the army defense attack .
On the other hand ,is waiting for the Mongolia army in attacking Xingqing ,because government requires both complexes ,rely on for strength ,also hard to win .relationresultYang Yanmake spirit state army to raid ,then let the song ,but not to attack the stronghold of the tactics ,just to try to destroy the West Xia Jun effective strength ,reduce the attack said Xingqing house difficulties .
At the same time also struck the army ,so they can only hide in the strongholds, dare to attack, and also can alleviate the transport pressure after Le song .relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original �� �� ��relationresultToot toot toot toot -- -- -- -- Jun array horn sounded like a tide .
relationresultTothe walls of the city along the Song Jun and all kinds of vehicles stopped ,started receding .But several rows of shield player in holding up the shield ,not moving ,apparently ready supply was the siege of the song .
relationresultWhileon the city wall ,climbed the ladder and tower car song Bing are rapidly coming down to earth ,and by tapping on the song soldiers try to get rid of the Jin army entanglement ,retreated to the tower on the car ,and then from the tower to the ground to car .
Watching the walls of Song Jun is less and less ,although there are some song Bing in retreat in the process of life ,but for the most part, Song Jun was gradually withdrawn to all security wall under .
relationresultNanoclass also relieved, anyway ,this time to hold the salt city .relationresultSong Junarmy in the East will lead to high shock ,the salt city ,immediately launched a state to salt .
Jin Jun in the Na class lead ,adherence to the city, the song finally top to the offensive .Gao Zhen saw the salt city difficult ,and ordered to stop the siege .To put salt in the periphery of the town sweeps . Related articles:

