
cnn own the river in

The letter ,his stay in Dengzhou, has not come out .A short period of time, the Jin army did not have the ability to attack Xiangyang .relationresultYour messageeven if only a ( __ ) ,will become the motive power of creation ,please come to the author !relationresultSixteen to the , relationresultTheJin army camp .
Wanyan long sitting alone in the large account in meditation .relationresultItis to the Dading eleven years ( 1171) in April, Jin launched the south by more than eight months .Although the army to attack across the Yangtze River, and the success of the captured the southern two capital cities : Ling health .
At the same time also occupied two Huai ,two Zhejiang ,Jiangnan Road and West Road large areas, a string of victories ,the Jin army under very excited ,think this one can certainly swinger Gangnam ,unified the world .
relationresultBut thegold down did not think of is ,the resistance is not as large tracts of territory lost and disappear ,and especially in the young emperor Zhao Chen ascended the throne ,instead more and more strong .
relationresultIn contrastthe Jin army occupied large areas of the Southern Song Dynasty ,front is also more and more long ,to be under the jurisdiction of local too much force gradually ,some broke up .
Now therefore ,at least in the more than one hundred thousand Daikin soldiers never down here, unable to return home .Not only that ,as the war increasingly long time ,in Daikin domestic ,financial and material resources have the close to exhaustion ,cannot support the war to continue .
Distance unified world this goal seems to be more and more far away .relationresultThisattack is the ,while Yang Yan Sichuan subjugation of opportunity, can be said to be almost complete destruction of the Southern Song Dynasty Daikin last chance .
But Yang Yan put down the rebellion with Sichuan ,Sichuan abundant material resource ,bring the soldier in Sichuan ,the Jin army will be hard to resist .relationresultAlthoughthis attack were used Weichengdayuan plan, Jin Jun in the state won a great victory ,execute ,captive for 30000 people, seizing the strategic Dexing ,almost to the last time the war losing all eliminated, but the current situation is still the golden army is not optimistic .
relationresultNowthe Jin army in the South because of shortage of troops ,although seized Dexing, but finished Yan long no longer believe did not break before, is defeated to Longxing palace .
Because according to complete Yan Changzhi ,the best process is completed before the war to defend the state ,and to the Longxing palace for help, but the Longxing palace sent reinforcements ,they still use Weichengdayuan plan, to break the reinforcements ,then take advantage of the virtual to Longxing palace .
Remove the Longxing palace ,you can directly attack the lake ,one off the Southern Song dynasty .relationresultAnotherprocess is forced to give up the complete one ,will be further extended to the Longxing palace front ,then seeks the opportunity to bypass the Longxing palace ,to attack the lake state .
To the lake ,small court caused panic ,forcing them to promise and condition ,also make Jin can ease out breath again ,gathering strength, and then eliminate the Southern Song dynasty .
relationresultIn order to achievethe two currently ,Wanyan long had spared no expense ,desperately against state ,not only with the use of the turret ,red car ,bed crossbow ,trebuchet and many other large siege equipment ,base even the firearm used .
relationresultThe originaland the battle over the past few years ,especially after several battle ,Wanyan long know that song in the leading technologies ,which is the firearm interest .
He is not the kind of man she clings to it ,in the large set house ,Wanyan long organization artisans developed firearms .Then captured Ling ,Wanyan long and I find in the city of Ling did not escape the craftsman ,ordered them to the Jin army manufacturing firearms .
By this time ,by producing a number of firearms ,also trained a group of soldiers in the use of firearms .relationresultAlthoughwith the Southern Song Dynasty firearm ,or inferior many ,but for the gold ,is a first step ,in time, could be produced with the same firearm .
relationresultOriginally thisbatch of firearms Wanyan length is going to stay with Yang Yan then hit Yang Yan battle ,a be taken by surprise ,but now the case, also cannot be retained .
relationresultHoweverto finish Yan Long is contrary to expectation ,bi where neither retreat ,nor to the Longxing palace for help, but still hold the position is not put, outside the city walls were broken ,he returned to garrison ,the city walls were breached ,he returned to the city garrison ,a step not to be put in a quandary ,make over Yan Changzhi .
relationresultAfter six or seven days of heavy fighting,the loss of both are very amazing ,for casualties by more than ten thousand people ,and the army for offense ,loss is greater ,by close to twenty thousand ,the war is still not much progress .
Although the song outside the ground leveled all ,but can completely overcome the far .relationresultWanyanlong heart can not help but also very depressed ,if the emperor had listened to their opinion ,to two Zhejiang ,and concentrated force to Xiangyang ,but now the best of Yangtze River to the north of the place ;but he and stupidity ,had killed sixty thousand or seventy thousand men ,also not appear strength is insufficient, own can a in a letter to state and Song Jun to hold ,a divide forces to Longxing palace ;if Wanyan Chen and now their side, they dared adventure divide forces try ,but now you all will in Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ning ,white Yanjin to old ,extremely big .
Stone and Yanshan ,Po Atong et al are still young ,still need to experience ,are not sufficient to take charge as chief of ah .relationresultJust then,a probe into reports : their right handsome adult, Yang Yan to lead the troops from Sichuan by troops in white ,to the edge of defeat Yang Woyan department ,now merged with Li Xianzhong to the army ,to attack Kwangju .
, relationresultWanyanlong be startled at ,Yang Yan so soon from Sichuan troops ?Than I expected time ,at least half a month earlier .And defeated Yang Woyan department, Song Jun line at Xiangyang will not have any menace from the ,Hubei Song Jun to attack Kwangju Wanyan Chen monk .
Thus Wanyan long took the map ,looked carefully ,and asked in detail about the spies, and this time Yang Yan sent troops to pass .Then immediately ordered: drums ,will be together .relationresultThewill to Qi ,Wanyan long will Yang Woyan the news .
After listening to all surprised ,Yang Yan really bad, just from Sichuan to ,hit a beautiful victory .relationresultWanyanHong immediately asked : ,so what should we do now ? , relationresultWanyanlong road : you go right up ,we back to the arms to Ling .
, relationresultThe publicwill listen ,even more surprised .Stone and Yanshan Road: Marshal adults ,even if Yang Yanhe Li Xianzhong soldiers to attack Kwangju ,but Kwangju has held Wanyan Jianjun ,Song Jun will not be easily defeated .
Bi I even recalcitrant ,but Bi Jing trend to go ,I think in a few days time we can overcome the letter ,cnn,this time to withdraw ? , relationresultPoAtong also said: yes ,but the withdrawal ,we play the previous victories not in vain ?Marshal Sir, please think twice .
,google, relationresultWanyanlong shook his head ,said: you are all wrong ,Yang Yan would never have merged with Li Xianzhong soldiers to attack Kwangju .If he did ,is not worthy of our think so highly of him .
, relationresultHe saidon the desktop and a map ,in the above signs : will let Li Xianzhong in Kwangju continues to hamper Chen monk ,while they sailed down the river ,in the area and the Li Bao army ,captured the Anqing house, and then to get free .
Then Chen and posterior being cut off ,in order to avoid both sides by the enemy ,he only returned to Nanjing road .Then the whole Huaixi will be ,Facebook. , relationresultWanyanlong this time ,audiences were stunned, the idea was beyond all expectations .
If Yang Yanzhen do so, except now Wanyan Chen and immediately abandon Kwangju ,back to the army to guard the cottage ,in order to avoid failure ,but this way to prevent Li Xianzhong subsequent pursuit . Related articles:

