
Artist Series way wrong did s

Slow down ,life of the cutting off of a meat .relationresultSevere painlet the human not live wrench ,but ultimately did not send any voice .Because his mouth stuffed with rags .relationresultVery painful ?Ha ha ha .
I tell you :this pain will be endless continues, you die I will cure you of your medical reel ,and then continue to . Then, the short blade and cutting off a flesh and blood .relationresultThere is only one way to end my God is gone ?Is not the answer to the question I torture you ,until forever .
relationresultThink ofwhat nod ,I will take down your mouth cloth . , relationresultPerhapswas I so scared of the human ,perhaps the prisoners can the endless torture .Be tied up his inability to nod ,Beats Detox.
relationresultA good agreementis the orc clearly see the eyes ,but he has no reaction ,but also with the short blade in a flesh body cut out of a hole ,and then he softly said : Oh ,so quick to nod .
But I also not enough ah ,you don to me :intelligence ,is of no significance .I just wanted to have a never bad * * for cutting ,if this is * * human ,it would be perfect .Ha ha ha , relationresultMadnessdiscourse listened in captive ear was a nightmare ,their mental health was completely the madman to defeat .
Another two people captive face frightened look ,while the mouth is not sealed, quickly and shouted: know that God is in? I know that God is in? Let me tell you , relationresultOf course,the two human and not to their nearest cut I cried ,but towards a distant hand and shouted that the positive and negative .
relationresultInterrogatethe sergeant in the rear of the helmet with a smile on his face, his right arm swing ,behind the two soldiers he quickly came to the two human captives .In front of the human ,said : you say ,as long as it is true, the adults will put all of you .
, relationresultLet the orcs to stop torturing my brother. obviously ,human refers to kill me ( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit www.**.com ,chapters more ,relationresult.
relationresultThe two volume of the sixty-six chapter , relationresultThesergeant was in high spirits ,didn people will still be nosy, his wrist twinkle ,bloody short blade instead stabs is ready to talk of human neck .
relationresultSuch behaviorwill certainly be prevented, the over his soldiers seized was quick of eye and deft of hand ,wrist ,risk saved captives .relationresultDare you catch my wrist ,think , relationresultTheruthless crime tone and consistent style ,let the soldiers quickly loose ,cheap dr dre beats.
He stands at attention whispers back : ,i ...I no offense .But he was willing to tell the intelligence .So .....relationresultThe warriorthat lack of confidence that has not completely ended, that voice had sounded : kill me, blue and is performed in order .
Don soldiers speak ,you will frighten them .relationresultIn addition,you noon just from the brig ,now is not night .You want to go ?relationresultOr,to BOT in it ,are you willing to work in earnest .
I need to find him ? , relationresultHiswords made all my so-called shook his head ,he took the short blade inserted back waist slowly toward the subject ,while said: t go looking for him !It .
He has just recovered ,his eyes are red . , relationresultYou don mess ,do not need to tell him .The owl and the mercy spent considerable effort to persuade him to go ,it is difficult to imagine :he made so great exploits ,and independent from the enemy rushed out ,come back even drink drink ,began trial captives .
That look came over to fellow .Said to himself .relationresultAllI remove the helmet ,the forehead to the back of the hair ,and then get rid of the finger .The subtle said : he has a crazy spirit ,fighting is his best to enjoy and rest .
, relationresultYour so-called crazy spirit refers to what is ,and in your face and chewing Rune from the same kind of culture ? , relationresultThat.However. , relationresultAllI have feelings about his face tattoos .
But it was snapped : Rip Van Winkle .Two prisoners of war account information .Have recorded out .But two of them said is completely different content . , relationresultSubordinatewords made Kelesidi face so .
He shook his head .Said : they can be honest a little ?Only the night and morning .Appeared in numerous editions artifact to .And each version also is not the same .I have been too lazy to dispersion of forces to the certification of this version is it right? Really .
, relationresultOrcis more like himself to mumble .It was all I replied: go ?The event is really do? The bot will kill you . , relationresultThe subjectwith the waved .Said : okay .
Only let the West Paterson to people in the hard trip .You go to West Paterson informed sergeant .Let him according to this statement sent staff for investigation .To verify the authenticity of the , relationresultIs !I will do it right away , relationresultThe soldiersquickly left the prison, was I shouted : blue aka ,have just talk the two down ,then take two come from other places .
We must seize the time ,besides, it is also kind of fun . , relationresultAdult.Or fair skin no tattoo ? , relationresultOf course.You so smart .relationresultI will do it right away ,sir , relationresultBighole in the ground without any lighting ,sitting in bed bot .
Breathing is very long .He does not feel better ,or because of chest choking feeling ,it is more and more intense .Although intermittent, but each lasting time are significantly lengthened .
relationresultBut to tell the truth:the sense of suffocation is only the physical discomfort ,the strict sense of the term :even the pain is not .Even the strongest sense of suffocation ,bot can still not be influenced to combat ,or do any other things .
But the feeling of suffocation always makes people feel uncomfortable ,always wanted to let people off .relationresultIn addition tothe body outside of Shangdi strange ,has no news artifact also make BOT quite worried ,you know :two handle artifact .
This can not make fun of ,any an artifact of access, to a country ;it is not a trivial matter .As long as I can be an excellent artifact holder .The country is equivalent to have a sophisticated new capabilities ,its status and strength will be to estimate and evaluation .
relationresultSothe union lost here in the two handle artifact .Although it is derived from an accident ,but also great opportunities .And now these artifacts .It may simply be a minimal number of soldiers to protect .
It is very important .relationresultI don,captive to humans is being tortured by the .Still no one say anything particularly valuable news ,Artist Series.relationresultIs ityour way wrong ,did so many prisoners ,there is no one to know God is .
They are in a camp life, may not know nothing .relationresultIncreasinglytroubled sergeant, he hit his fist in front of them on the ground, with the loud noise ,the ground was knocked out of the glove not small pit .
Permissive action, a sense of a rapidly spreading along the spine ,BOT eyes gradually by the intense scarlet covered, involuntary muscle tension as the surging power back and forth in the impact and flowing .
relationresultTheBOT is completely out of your control .relationresultA voicewoke him up : BOT master sergeant adults ,commander looking for you .Said it was an emergency , relationresultPerhapsbother Related articles:

