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Distance Yu a smile:"Slowly come over today?Gift what it heavy also!"Everyone smiles.
Xun 彧 but sigh:"Son cloud, you was really frightened to death this time lord male with we, haven't I slowly come over."
I hurriedly come forward to say:" If knowing is wrong.Listen to main Mr. say, I that day be really too not elephant words, true sorry.Compensate a gift for Sir first, evening, punish me to put wine how is Xie Zui?"
The Cao holds cachinnation:"Text if, you from go, certainly want him to please very mutually, can not pass him."It is public to all smile.
Finished joking here, the Cao held to just think of and hurriedly gave me the introduction:"Son cloud, you come, this is I just mentioned greatly just, Xun You, Mr. Xun reaches.That day, you really frightenned him."
I looking at him to smile:"Mr. reach a Sir, such as that day impoliteness, lord Mr. says that I frightenned a Sir, today, I also compensate for Sir here be not.However, I ain't that kind of don't speak the person of gift, you aren't misunderstanding."Everyone listens to funnily.
Xun You wants to necessarily is the behavior that has already understood me there from the Xun 彧 , he also says with smile:"Do not dare.I can early listen to the gains and losses that an uncle speak of son cloud, deeply for admire.You often the year is in the outside, far harder than us.Is male to reach respect you."
I is a smile:"Lord male, Mr. reaches Sir hospitality spirit.Son cloud can not stand quickly!"
The Cao holds cachinnation:"You are again getting more very naughty."It is public to all smile badly.If I loosen tone and see appearance, I get mad to say,dr dre beats, the distance Yu has never said to let them listen to, O.K.!!

Chapter 52 demon is just

Fight a disorderly world article-chapter 52 demon is just
I see them several, not to hey, without 1:"Lord male, today how so how many Sirs ah?Do you still have greatly and just don't introduce to me?"
The Cao holds a to listen to, happy:"Tell the truth, is looked for person for me to come again?"
I smile:"Or lord Mr. know me.To ah, and my three elder brothers?Don't tell me, he didn't come.I know, he had already been here."
The Cao held to smile:"The son righteousness certainly has already come, does he still introduce with me?"
, Be getting wronger:"This, the lord is male, I be not again recognized an elder brother.So, three elder brothers have already become four elder brothers.This originally of two elder brothers were three elder brothers.I haven't seen three elder brothers, he also doesn't know, he has already declined two.Hey."
Was public to all listen to careless, only the Cao held to listen to understand:"You are to say, that piece Liao was two elder brothers, to!The son righteousness became four elder brothers.Can your this three elder brothers is who ah?Is the person where?How is skill in martial arts?"
?!This next is that I am stunned:"Skill in martial arts?Lord male, he which have what skill in martial arts?He and I are general, text the weak pole is to greatly strive for a private.Is fierce, he can compare ambition the elder brother is just of.I write a letter to call him, the waiter here says that he attended early!How can have never come lord male here?"
The Cao holds stunned speechless:"These day comers' pouring is many, didn't know your person!We have never seen your letter as well.Does he know your identity?"
I this is hasty hey, this dead Guo Jia, ran to go there, always can't didn't see me, and then return to, have no so stupid:"He certainly knows my identity.He is my the first become sworn an elder brother, if not because the his health condition wasn't good, I early made him come."
The Xun 彧 of flank wanted to think:"Son cloud, you say that he can compare ambition is the elder brother just?"
I nod:"It is quite good.This guy, does the ghost write!Isn't so silly, I not at, he doesn't come?"
The Xun 彧 smiled:"Son cloud, your this three elder brothers is me and ambition just of same village?Guo Jia, Guo Feng Xiao?"
I a listen to:"To ah, is him, and person?Come?I am ex- some days are ill to run to go out to do of private affairs, be seek his."The Cao holds to looking at Xun 彧 , two people are to smile.
The Cao holds to smile a way:"Early come.He be a remarkable talent, hold to very like him.However, he has never brought up son cloud you hey."
I annoy:"Good you Guo Feng Xiao is so still overbearing pride.See how I come to tidy up you, harm of I white the white worry."
Looking at me flustered and frustrated appearance, the Cao held cachinnation:"Originally, and someone can cure of you.Admire, this descending me is getting more happy."He life the person called Guo Jia.
I looking at him depressed:"What ah, who cure who ah!The lord is male, he is devil of a genius, and I am just strange."
The flank Xun You rushed toward Chi to smile out.See everyone hope him, he is an unbearable cachinnation:"Your brothers good fame, add together, is a demon also."This bottom, include the Cao hold at inside, all of all people smiled.
I hope Xun You to also smile:"Is male to reach a Sir, this demon of call, but I invent of, you said a night.Don't believe, wait my three elder brothers to come, you ask him!"It is public on listenning to, absolutely smile very serious.
The Cao holds to point at me:"Words like this, do you want to recognize to make to is what you says?Really is really strange Be getting more surprising."
Wait us very not easy accepted to smile, the way of Xun 彧 :"Son cloud, you throw down thing to run, don't want to slip away again this time and certainly want you to explain white."
I hope him, oddness:"I throw down of thing?What things?"
The Xun 彧 smiles:"Two clerks whom you stay to lord Mr.."
The Cao holds to also say:"To, a lot of places aren't very understand, you say clear."
I hope them:"You say of what ah?What clerk?"I really forgot.
The wry smile of Xun 彧 :"See, you that day true disease of fierce, even own things all forgot.The promise is that 《the Tun farmland system 》and 《 protect A soldier system 》 !"
I thought of, is throw to hold for Cao:"Hey really forgot.That day, is burn have a little badly.Like, have what don't understand of, ask!"
The Cao holds to smile:"Today even if.Son cloud, you still keep taking a rest for several days, waiting me will allow handsome they call, we cautiously said together."
I shake:"Calculate, lord Mr., they don't know such as of identity, still don't say well.Have what not and clearly, we discussed together be.From lord male say with several Mr. Weis to are also similar with them."
The Cao held to nod:"Since so, tomorrow we again say."
I smile:"Lord male, lead good on the twoth?I want prepare be scolded by the elder brother of, the tomorrow is afraid to want to ask the elder brothers to drink.Drink dizzily to shout of, what also can not say it."The Cao holds them and smiles.
The elder brothers who make reference to me, the Cao holds is joy bloom:"Son cloud, this a few elder brothers of yours are really quite good.The Dian Wei can be used thou of bad come to describe;The absolute being arrows of son righteousness, I see, no man can compare;The ability and learning that receives a filial piety is also a Jiao Jiao, connect a text if all from sigh rather.As for that piece Liao ……alas."
I also smile:"Two elder brothers' affairs, lord Mr. can trust, such as to lord Mr. can accept to take them to have much of confidence.Hey, I can between Lyu Bu and his confident, malicious washed to rinse Chen gong Yi of pair of.This guy is of no use, you don't worry them."The Cao holds to lightly sigh tone, don't talk.I know that he still keeps deploring greatly rebeling of Chen Gong very much.
See him not to talk, I quickly break siege:"Like, lord Mr., I at Lyu Bu there, the biggest result is the real strenght that cleared up to break enemy ranks a camp, indeed as expected severe.However, it isn't big to our threats.Certainly, if is hereafter used by we, I will become a strong troops to it.When the time comes, have already broken enemy ranks camp and tiger leopard to ride two troops, our army will sweep world, no man can contend for Feng with it."
I intentionally the prospect describe of fine, but the Cao held to see my one eye, but more silent.Surroundings of public looking at silent medium of the Cao hold to all no longer have smiling face, all droop write the head no longer talk.The Cao in this time holds to really have a kind of arrogant that shoots a person.
I sigh tone:"Lord Mr. why the need for minds that Chen's temple, person like this, still forgot of well."
The Cao holds a title to hope me:"Son cloud, I didn't miss him, but was considering your Related articles:

