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When I and Qin Yong walk into this small courier station of time, come out ten people a while, scared me.Qin Yong Mang is that I introduce these people, they are all incredibly lives to only take part in disciplinal 500 people to win.The young man of leading the way comes forward an one step:"Childe, once we go 20 people and in addition to us, also have 10 people have already waited for in the Ye city according to your order, two among those people successfully get into Ye city to guard a mansion big prison, as long as we arrive, can take out a person to come."I looking at these trainings to contain plain brotherses, also very excited of, all of these are my own persons.In a soft voice ask him:"What name do you call?Where person's surname?"He answers very excitedly:"Thank a childe.Mean person Sung ten thousand, is eastern Wu Yang Ren.Sung row is my cousin."Admire, I am getting more interested in.These years of Sung rows have already become my sole agent in the beyond the frontier, he is really of great ability, so, I early move his family also and go and have no eventually mountain.Hope Sung ten thousand, I sighed:"Are your family all good?"Sung in case of strength head in the location, I shake head:"Do you why the need for come to eat this bitterness again?Your brotherseses all rush about in the outside, in home old man who come to look after?"Sung ten thousand tearses came down:"Childe thanks childe's concern.The in home still has others, enough I am 1.Our these peoples all want to follow a childe your , the elder brother also encourages that I come."
Qin Yong says with smile in the part:"Childe, you are us the absolute being in the country villa, country villa and life only the troops' young man, especially and originally our own Chuang door the person all want to follow behind a childe.These people are an all in-between Jiao Jiao, all of them is passed by to choose, in home all someone look after wife and children.All of their skill in martial artses are what I teach in persons, be run into a war, also all ability self-preservation of, you stop worrying."I noded:"Since so, I also trust.I also saw out, your efforts were all quite good.Like, since today, you become my close military will.You also trust, my such as absolutely can't maltreat own brothers."Together the voice of ten people agrees.
Wait we to settle down well, I just think of courier station original comer:"Qin Yong, this courier station inside original comer?"Qin Yong Yi smiles:"Go home.I tell them, the Yuan soldier suffers utter defeat and killed to come over on the Cao destrier, want to protect a life, run quickly.These people, take I give of allowance, run stiller than rabbit quickly.Hey Hey."I am also happy:"Another good person made me lead astray."All of everyones smiled.Sung ten thousand then say:"Our wanting early is led astray by the childe of and finally had the wish fulfilled now."Hey, this guy is similar to Sung row, will follow what bamboo pole climb.I see them:" Such as be really lucky, have you to diligently lend support to."They all smiled.After inquiring the circumstance of owner, one among those persons aroused my attention.Looking at the young man that makes Lee record, I ain't conjectured him more by ground some kind of.He is seen by me get red in the face, become overdo to go to.I wanted to think and had no again say what.
The tonight is good weather.The clear open sky has no cloud, a clean moon hangs in the half to get empty.Once called Qin Yong, I asked him:"How is the behavior that Lee records?Does he when arrive country villa?"Qin Yong 1:"He isn't the person in the country villa, take care of general under charge.While recruiting a person, we take care of general to choose incoming.Does the childe have a doubt to him?"I shake head:"Be not.How is his skill in martial arts?"Qin Yong nods:"Is very good, his skill in martial arts is in these people also row at anterior."I 1:"I see his appearance a bit weak ah, skill in martial arts unexpectedly row front?"Qin Yong smiled:"Childe, you look just weak.He isn't weak ah, his effort is still very good, making moves the speed is very quick, so, his marksmanship is very good.In their these people, he is really a Jiao Jiao,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com."I noded, yes, my skill in martial arts also Gao is on the speed.
The moon that sees a sky, I still feel to have where not right:"You call him to come over, I want to discuss with him alone."Qin Yong promises 1 and went to.Led in a short while, Li Ji arrived at me and looking at me, the ground of Qie Qie asks:"Does the childe call mean person to come what matter?"I don't talk as well, is staring at he sees and see his heart palpitates speed, want to hide and don't dare, an embarrassed of at a loss what to do is mutually.I saw him very long-term and finally made sure the doubt in the heart, doesn't etc. he to respond to come over, I am a collar of dress that tears apart him, Li Ji frightenned a to greatly jump and quickly retreated several steps and liked collar of dress Yan at once at the same time, however, already late.
I peep out to smile an idea:"You like this how many years?With them mix together, can be used to?"Li Ji bites a tooth, don't talk.I sigh 1:"What about your family?Are they also willing to give up to make you come out to do this kind of affair?"Li Ji shakes head:"I had no house, family's whole death rayses, is what childe saved me."I?Hope I don't understand of vision, Li Ji's wry smile:"The person whom the childe saves must be a lot of and how can record of a mean person son?My home town's southern skin in green state, parents for my a kid, at in even two years, because pay not ascend rent son, drive the then lord in the house to kill.I followed an uncle to enter Huang Jin Jun who take care of the big uncle, afterwards, the hall uncle also died in battle.That year, the soldier midstream goes malignant disease, I also infected by.When I die of illness quickly, was a childe to save me and save our a lot of persons.My name also for canning remember your great boon to just take of."
I understood, he is and an in those people of tube Hai.Looking at him, I shake:"Do you make a living not to is all right well in the life light?Why to want to do like this?A female kid, so not good."Is quite good, this Lee's recording is a woman, a similar to me female dresses up as the person of men's wear.Just started seeing her, I feel where not to, certainly, this was also that I had this felling, I saw Qin Yong also not necessarily so see come out.She and my different of, his statures isn't short, the shoulder also compares Kuo, and the face was square, full of just a strength, really wasn't liked a female kid.Just her shape, the lineses are all soft, just make me feeling some not right.Certainly, if she be not in the brigade row that appears in the martial, my basically canning not seeing clearly her is a woman of, her appearance is much thicker than me.
Hear me so on saying, Li Ji blushed:"This, I was such since the childhood.So several years, always no one knows that I am a female of, only the childe saw out."I am dizzy, incredibly and I about also.Hope this and my just about miss, I am in distress situation:"How do you prepare to do?Impossibly during a lifetime so?Again say, you how think of my company inside in the brigade escort come of?"Li Ji in whisper says:"Take care of a big uncle to say.I originally will order skill in martial arts, also for the sake of the self-preservation.Take care of big while adjusting to choose crack troops, the uncle lets I also, say to follow a childe to just have exit.I also want to recompense you 12, other of but don't think so many."
I return to negative hand of body to visit a sky:"You are after all a woman, the day that adds blood isn't suitable for yours.The affair this time after finishing, you return to, seek a good family, make a living to go to well!"Li Ji bites lips, a long time after, use to cry a chamber to make reference to:"Childe, my skill in martial arts is really quite good, let me follow you, eldest brother Qin once said as well, you nearby need a person and begged you, don't rush through me to walk."I hope the vision of her imprecation and also shivered in the heart:"I understand your worry.Are you to want to requite favors?But, this isn't the good method that you requite favors.Is alas, I lead of the day isn't that you think so in brief, if there is no necessity, I even would not like to use your these people."Li Ji shook head to stay back several steps:"Not, you aren't understand.I know that what oneself grew is ugly, unqualified at the childe is nearby in attendance on.I am to is original and then have no the entertain wild hope, original want to do some affair for the childe good.Now that childe said so, I ……I listenned to your be."Make reference to a behind, she cried.My wry smile, does this calculate what is the row?Hope Yan noodles to weep over of she, I wanted to think:"Calculate, since you say so, I again make you walk, too inconsiderate.Thus, you similar to Qin Yong, later heel at I is nearby good."Hey, Qin Yong should also become Related articles:

