
Artist Series ion Because if

Thisis easy to understand: the troops were under special circumstances ,executive usually command under the dress to rest ,but wearing armour sleep also nothing ,but if wearing a helmet sleep, it is difficult to have a good rest .
relationresultSo,the soldiers would cool off helmet before entering the sleep .relationresultThe orcslove the habit ,he gently move past ,two strong old hands :a ghostly ring in the sleeping in the chin ,another on his back near the position of neck .
Then both arms push and pull ,the enemy is attached to his back .relationresultNeckbreak out reverse crunch ,let teammates open sour sleep ,he woke up after the first thing that they see is at full gallop ,long short blade .
relationresultMan has justfilled with gas, and is ready to start screaming in my throat, accurate and timely by the blade through ,a lot of blood flow along the wound to the body under the shop mattress ,cotton fiber good control of blood flow .
relationresultThe ORCwas very satisfied with the results ,at least :even killed two people ,third person tent was still sleeping ,because his berth two comrades from far away ,in this little space on the other side .
relationresultTalbotmoved slowly past ,but this time he did not directly down the killer ,NCOs need some necessary information ,otherwise he could not succeed to leave here .relationresultStarmakes up because of pressure, his hands felt Juli oppressive pain ,human eyes and instinct to scream .
But the neck to upload tingling and sight stopped him .relationresultThewhole people sit astride the human chest plate ,the two legs are trampling the enemy arms ,hands on the short edge straight to the top has been on a small pink throat .
relationresultBOTvoice to think when low : answer my question .You can not die , relationresultSuddenlyawakened .And then I saw a person with a weapon is very tight against his throat .relationresultThis makes themost people .
But the star that is not an ordinary person .Have already said :most of them are to undergo a rigorous training .These training often directed not just * * .There will .relationresultMankindtried to struggle .
His body to move violently .Want to be Shangdi people went over .But the neck again near one step short edge moment let star to quiet down .relationresultI repeat it ;to answer my questions .
Will survive .But if you have any other ideas .I .In nothing happened before .Your throat is slit . ,Artist Series, relationresultIn fact,Talbot said this time also very nervous :he needs the enemy to cooperation .
Because if not in this star make them get some questions .He would venture into another tent .relationresultFortunately.Life my account .The enemy is matched with sound pressure too low : who are you? , relationresultYou don .
Listening :you take the orcs ,the orc is able to transform .His equipment in? , relationresultYou are the beast ?.relationresultShut up ,I just want to get his equipment ,those things to help him up, they are very valuable .
You tell me where , relationresultOrccleverly lies and sharp short blade allows humans to completely Surrender : .I don but believe me :the equipment is not the beast change reason .
The people have tested ..... , relationresultAnswer my question ! , relationresultOK.Well ,they are the Titans Officer :Gillies Jill took .He is here to Titan infantry officer , relationresultHis tent where? , relationresultShould be on the left .
It is surrounded by the Titan of the camp ,his tent should is the area .Listen :I don which is your unit .But can we lucky Luo Wude disaster ,proves that the stars did not give up on us .
All of us should ......relationresultFrom thestar that ,he is clearly the BOT error as someone trying to steal equipment ,good fill one ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.The orcs while in the hearts of admire of human imagination ,while the short blade hard pressed hot throat .
relationresultSimple collection,Sergeant opened and tent entrance opposite side ,cheap dr dre beats,short drilling out .relationresultAlthough he is verycurious why the whole camp are not lighting ,but now ;the dark will undoubtedly become the best cover of bot .
relationresultSergeanttent gap through ,this is very risky ,because according to the sergeant knowledge this place is usually decorate the alert magic ,but bot has no choice: if he chooses in the camps on the road ahead of it, then he will inevitably encounter with the patrol .
This is nobody want to happen .relationresultSo he had tobet ,bet the star who refused to put their rare and precious magic ,magic in the alert .Of course :orcs win .relationresultGillis Nigelis a Titan army intermediate officers ,whether he own strength and leadership ,even basic life quality ,less than one star to make any .
relationresultHe wasvery fortunate to follow Rob to resist the orc forces when, rushed to the crowwood town outskirts .From the black power ring to bring force of destruction .Next he was smooth sailing with star so that they act together ,and then jumped into all the Titan commander ,openly and the messengers started as an equal .
relationresultIn fact,Gillies Jill claims is a grain of truth ,now the human power only over 100 people, headquarters support can not arrive in time ,the orc forces several days continuously ,to search trees .
relationresultIn order not to befound ,even in the human camp ,ignite sufficient lighting .relationresultUnder such circumstances.Also keep the BOT is unwise decision : at least added many uncertain factors .
Although the orc soul fire has been in a half out ,although a large number of practical experience clearly pointed out: the soul of the fire in this state any creature is unlikely to be independent .
relationresultHowever,there are also many scholars have put forward ;soul fire is known in all of life .The most unexpected presence .And also a seething out flame ,the orcs, soul of the fire .
relationresultHasis the body of the star makes did not lie :Gillies Jill tent is indeed the biggest movie .Not only is the largest :it the door stood two Titan infantry .relationresultTheBOT to kill the two soldiers of course is not difficult ,but their position on the side of the road ,there is often the patrol after ,that is to say ,even if the orcs to silent kill the two sentinels ,no method for the placement of their bodies .
relationresultSergeantin thought : in fact, as a captive, the first time should consider how to escape, and not come back for their own equipment .But bot was very clear ,want to soundless and stirless leave the camp ,is almost impossible .
He could sneak in so long time ,basically is to test the luck .relationresultHe isgenerally seen this terrain ,is a mountain ,surrounded on three sides by only one way out .Held his the cave to the left, there is a gentle ramp leads up the hill .
In addition to these two places ,the rest are the steep wall .relationresultThat is to say;want to escape from the camp ,only the two way, but no matter which road ,there are lot of enemies in the garrison .
Therefore ,BOT to escape ,will experience a battle ,and long time of the chase .relationresultNo matter what kind ofbattle ,soldiers need equipment :suitable equipment !Not now this is Related articles:

