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South dormant for nearly forty years ,just in .The Song Dynasty is not difficult to swallow ,but fear Jin take advantage of a weak point ,white for others for the wedding .So in my holy inaction against Jin when Minamata ,not too weakened the power of .
, relationresultZhong Xinyu smiled and said: in the congregation and other help my dad ,we the event will succeed .Wait until I establish a new state of holiness ,and everyone in the congregation founding hero ,will go down in history ,tassel bes .
, relationresultZhaograss : fame two words on my grass ,Zhao ,I can only hope that if the doctrine says, establish a catty everywhere bright clean the world ,make the people live and work in peace peace reigns over the land .
,cheap beats by dre, relationresultYang Yan saw the father-in-law. in front of the old eunuch, also knowing is seventy or eighty years old ,have no way ,not all the hair on the top left dozens of roots ,hey sparse ,with the all white .
Prominent cheekbones, sunken ,wrinkles heaps ,thin only skinny .Two white eyebrows to is long and thin ,almost down to the neck ,a pair of eyes with non open ,into a crack .Although it is a hot day ,the windows of the room are tightly shut, even Yang Yan heads are running pry ,but he also wears a big wide gown ,the whole people lie on a soft bed ,as if last breath .
There were four little eunuch clothes stay .relationresultBecause Yang Yanoffice there with a royal instruments .He therefore if in Ling will need to go to the palace to the guard on duty .
Tonight was the first time Yang Yan served as duty ,so the first thing to come and worship before the house top to Cao Jincao .relationresultBut Yang Yandid not think of this as is known to be easy in Nene ,inside guest province that Cao father-in-law was the catalpa one looks half-dead old eunuch .
Yang Yan is the most familiar eunuch Cao An is his distant nephew .The palace guard to have the value ,his pipe ,although Yang Yan is with royal instrument is not in the palace in the palace guards on duty ,but also to listen to his arrangement .
relationresultCao feeble. The double eyelid ,look at Yang Yan, and eyes closed : Yang Yu Hou ,not good ,this is the first time you enter the palace and duty ,next time do not come to see us .
Zhao command ,later Yang Yuhou palace duty is up to you to arrange for his job . With these words ,Cao father-in-law took a half day ,and even a cough for several sound ,as if at any time may die .
When little eunuch who also is based on the chest and back work .relationresultZhaocommand named Zhao Zhen, 40 years old, medium stature ,the other nothing special ,only the finger joints than ordinary people rough, at approximately is proficient in strong King Kong palm or grasping hands of a pocket of Kung fu .
He is also a clan of children ,is now a house left straight class command to make .Listen to the Cao father commanded ,to Yang Yandao : Yang Yu Hou ,please come with us . , relationresultHetook Yang Yan ,even after passing through several palace ,seven .
8 abduct to a palace ,here on more than 20 guards all over to Zhao Zhen ,Lei ,Zhao Zhenyi waving said: not to bother . Then turned to Yang Yandao again : Yang Yu Hou ,here is the Qingyun temple, where is your guard .
, relationresultZhao Zhenpointed at Yang Yan on the guards said: this is Ma Junsi Yu Hou Yang Yu Hou ,today for the first time to the palace to duty ,from now on ,you will listen to his arrangement .
The guards are listening, immediately came to Yang Yan meeting etiquette of .Yang Yan also addressed a few words .relationresultZhao Zhendao: Yang Yu Hou ,to Chou period ,there will be someone to relieve you ,shift did not come before you can never leave ,otherwise there is dereliction of duty crime .
, relationresultYang Yanhe nodded : Zhao adults ,I write down . , relationresultZhao Zhen satisfied withlittle head ,said: !I want to have a look elsewhere ,here will be handed to you .
, relationresultSix the night of Ling 2 , relationresultZhao Zhen is gone,Yang Yan and the other guards while making Yan Wei to be side know Qingyun temple is on the outer Palace North of the place .
As to Yang Yan such with royal instrument is itself and instability of a group of people, perhaps that day would be ordered to go ,not on duty in the palace .Therefore only relatively minor place in guarding the palace .
The palace the most important place in nature is the emperor and Royal Library ,followed by the queen ,empress place ,if the emperor dotes on a concubine ,so her residence and naturally became the key guards .
And these places are from full-time to guard duty to defend .relationresultSo,about a many hour ,very calm .Only the current inspection man to two, are just like regular course of official duties charged a few, left .
relationresultSuddenly,from inside the palace came a complex sound ,but also more and more dense ,more and more big ,then he can hear someone shouting : assassins .Catch the assassin ! , relationresultChaos andshouts gradually toward Yang Yan their guard house to Qingyun .
This the twenty Wei to be nervous .The palace assassin ,the idler can not common, but a place is be no trivial matter. Because after the palace ,to assassinate people are naturally formidable role .
Wan Yizhen stabbed to death by the emperor, or other queen ,princess ,princess ,will involve a large number of people .relationresultIn those days,Xiansheng ,Gu Chun ,B break three to make the palace ,but did not hurt someone ,or to more than 10 command to be bale level ,more than 20 bodyguard exile ,not now a palace and assassin in the .
The guards were one to grasp the handle ,four looks around ,as if the assassin may appear at any time .relationresultButwho would have thought ,and Yang Yan was at the palace ,Xiansheng ,but this time Yang Yan did not know that the other ,also don lucky or unlucky ,first day on duty had a palace palace the assassin .
relationresultBut theonly hear the cries ,I couldn .The base of his guards will be prepared to meet the challenge ,Yang Yandao :you are here ,I went to have a look what people in the palace .
,at the foot of a line on the ground ,jumped on .relationresultYang Yanon the roof ,with only two people one after the other, first opened suddenly ,and the war and go ,to own this way ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.
Originally from more than 10 houses ,but the twinkling of an eye only four or five distance .The roof has more than 10 figure than the two figure ,but more slowly ,only far behind . There are numerous bodyguard in underground torches a sword ,follow after .
relationresultOut in front ofthe man in black ,but slender, body light ,although his face covered ,but can also see a woman .While chasing people Hoolock fluttering, long wave, was Yang Yangang into the house to see the knowledge into the Nene to be convenient ,content of Cao Cao Kam province father-in-law .
relationresultBut theCao father can no look old and clumsy appearance, long eyebrow ,eyes naked rugose ,also do not see his feet to move ,but the entire body as freely flowing style of writing in general ,but to the masked woman behind, skinny fingers like a hook to catch the general ,to the masked woman back to .
The masked woman knows wouldn ,had to bite back .All two were to play fast approach, a clear and bright of Kung Fu ,even down more than 10 action ,beats by dre uk.Cao father moves weird ,strength strong ,the masked woman the lost opportunities, more than one ,will be covered by Zhangfeng Cao father ,galanin not enemy .
relationresultCaofather-in-law replied : my opponent ,or quickly hide it, don our hand lest suffering . His mouth while talking, but the hand can not slow ,court action is not from the masked woman key .
relationresultAt the same time,from the left the room suddenly leaps up a shadow ,double palm slam to Cao father-in-law .relationresultCaofather busy shipped palm turned back , bang two people on a body ,the man in black, flash, Cao father-in-law even retreat three step ,complexion changes greatly : great shift of the universe ?You are evil teach people . Related articles:

