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Curse, particularly is the dead can form of curse, had better be the most simple solution, be washes away dirt with the huge vitality it.

Can't not only hurt Su to pull, like this but also the most exhaustive of curse this to banish.

Friendship for doing not make the vitality too abundant but pull body creation influence to be like Anne to Su those almost die in an accident, leaf sound bamboo to life ability of the control is extremely careful.

The energy that silently gobbles up to curse, but don't pull to leave inside the body at Su excessive.

The sea of the spirit that Su pulls soon resumed under the moistenning of vitality normal, the very hot Jiao Qu also becomes safe down in the bosom and gradually sinks into soundly asleep at the leaf sound bamboo.

She has already done not be like for a long time for a long time sleep today of sink like this, in the embracing of leaf sound bamboo, oneself heart of safe gets the best rest her body.That is icy cold of curse also be finally thoroughly uprooted.

The Jiao Qu that hugs Su to pull to quiet down, leaf the sound bamboo is very careful of the life that will be more than can absorb he or she once inside the body, the ray of light in eye flows to turn and falls into a burst of deliberation.

Night past, the first light of day of dawn again condescends to come time of blue method, happy of the atmosphere flood in the whole dark tower, the leaf sound bamboo returns, the ocean and Su pulls extremely excited, they all know, this time sound after embroidering return can't leave them again, which afraid is again go to abyss noodles, will be together with the battalion go to, at that time, before they would also become his help, not be like so waiting for of bitterness bitterness.

The kind excitement still has the method six blue tower lords, they also have never thought a leaf sound bamboo to return.Immediately come together together, embroider to give a welcome party for leaf's sound at the same time, convene a method blue summit conference.

Leaf sound bamboo he or she at abyss the situation of the noodles and allly equally related 1 time to six tower the lords now, and the Si mainland of Long Qi Nu and abyss mainland each other of the good and bad of carried on detailed analysis.Make six tower lords can have overall understand to the abyss noodles.

Bright tower lord Ao cloth Lai boon the face boudoir expose the happy expression of hard dissimulation, "say so, as long as we can solve warrior and sorcery teacher face an environmental orientation problem in the abyss, and to resisting of abyss the noodles various toxin, this saint fought us to have very great confidence to become champion."

The method is blue to carry on the back this to print already exactly 10,000 years, 10,000 in the last yearses, numerous sorcery with blue method teachers all at for making stronger to seal to print to impede an abyss invading of noodles but paying effort.Each tower lord knows at this time, if can thoroughly solve an abyss the noodles is this huge threat, their names will definitely be loaded in a historical work and become a method blue have a history the merit is most the tower lord of Zhuo Zhao.

Demolish an abyss noodles probably will to Long Qi Nu of now Si each clan of mainland result in not small loss, but as long as canning succeed, future Long Qi Nu Si each clan of mainland don't need to worry the emergence of this threat again.It can be treated as achievement in the future.Which consuming now is afraid a few people's strength to complete this great of saint war, think at them to is also absolutely worth.

The soul tower tower lord Michael Milan way:"Sound bamboo, your pain.You bring back to come of these news the positive that time wait.By so doing, our preparation toward saint war can also carry on more well.Belong to our ground at 1:00 advantage you didn't say, that was us at dark, they at clear.Abyss noodles really don't know we want to move an attack to them.Consequently can't there are more preparation.Though battlefield will under the environment that is suitable they fight, as long as we work well preparation and take those four abysses said by you as a target, this saint war of win to hold will be tremendous."

To six tower lords, leaf sound bamboo's bringing back to ground news inside's most important is now abyss the ground of root of the noodles, abyss place.

Demolish a race thoroughly.Isn't an easy matter, particularly don't lack in the abyss living creature strong.But if is to demolish those four abyss ground words, become many easy.When the war carries on to certain extent, completely can make use of F a little bit square strong line of goes to and breaks it.There is no origin.Abyss the destruction of the noodles is just a matter of time.

Leaf the sound bamboo smile way:"Fish for have been already ended, I will come out the painting of map integrity to hand over to each tower lord quickly.As for the saint fights how to carry on and also needed to bother everyones to devote more.I and piano city the warrior will support you with all strength.Wait for each senior ground to adjust to send at any time."

Listen to a leaf the sound bamboo say here, six airs of tower lords suddenly become a bit weird, in every aspect and mutually Qu under, mostly showed unintentionally on the face embarrassed for several cents.

The leaf sound bamboo has some to puzzle that the ground asks a way:"How?What not satisfactory?"

The Ao cloth Lai boon lightly sighs 1.Way:"The sound embroiders, you think this saint war should how carry on."

The leaf sound bamboo doesn't hestitate of way:"The nature is the allied troops who should be led each clan by the blue method to kill into an abyss noodles.After building up our bases, gradually encroach upon an abyss the abyss living creature of the noodles.As long as doing not make the abyss living creature of dying is gobbled up, will they ground corpse and soul possibly of destruction, ability 1.1 drops weaken their ground real strenght, until make them perish."

Ao cloth Lai boon wry smile way:"Speak of come simple.But do isn't so easy!Really, you say of to, on the Si mainland of our Long Qi Nu.Also only the method is blue to have this public appeal, also have no nation to dare to disobey method blue will.But they whether with all one's heart, not say."

Leaf sound bamboo heart in on moving, way:"Senior, your meaning is, nation or race having don't think ……"

The Ao cloth Lai boon slowly ordered to nod, way:"Last time was one war, although the whole situation of mainland didn't change, all countries also still exist, but had already borned delicate variety.Original well balanced already because of that war but break.And break the power of mainland well balanced of can be treated as that the method is blue, but can also say to is your piano city."

The leaf sound bamboo seems the meaning of understand Ao cloth Lai boon, "you mean second Si of blue Di would one square's several countries not like to lift a hand to for the saint war?"

The Ao cloth Lai boon counter-questions a way:"If you are the monarch of second blue Di Si empire, your meeting would like to?Saint war in spite of victory or defeat, there is piano city the Milan empire of support a square, undoubtedly have overwhelming advantage to the blue Di second Si.The much less piano city back still has support of the whole monster person's clan, not is I wildly from thin thin, even if is that the station of blue method integrity is in the blue Di second Si back, can don't necessarily keep balanced as well.Is much less, fight in the saint in, the method is blue to necessarily is a main force,

The nature is the biggest, saint war once ending, you say to living how of feeling

Leaf sound bamboo the air is the slightest constant,beats by dre cheap, can not tell the variety of his heart from his facial expression, he is just light way:"Senior, this is your meaning, still blue Di second Si empire Ma Xi Mo's meaning?"

The Ao cloth Lai boon shook to shake head, way:"This nature isn't my meaning.Is frank to say, I have been already seen open now, as long as saint war can victory, can have been already completed by parlance blue task.Aftertime which afraid the method is blue nonexistent I also have no regret.So, I just don't hope that we appear out of harmony voice first by ourselves before this saint fights beginning.The blue Di second Si surface nature can't not promise to participate in a saint war, can they really go all out?"

The leaf sound bamboo slowly ordered to nod, way:"You can say that again.In spite of saint war of victory or defeat, the Milan empires can't easily pass blue Di second Si.Can't even pass the Buddha Luo's Kingdom.The be over of saint war probably will make mainland temporarily quiet, but this equanimity would keep on much to hard to say for a long time.Once the war starts, I can affirm second Si of blue Di necessarily and hurt undoubtedly.If I am Ma Xi Mo, in this case, participate in the time that the saint fights necessarily will stay enough dint, can't go all out.And under the function that cause and effect relate to, Milan empire for taking precautions against blue Di second Si, it is very likely will also do like this.The chain reaction of arousing results in saint war's canning not concentrate all strength in the Si mainland of our Long Qi Nu.This is your to worry."

The Ao cloth Lai boon ordered to nod, way:"Yes, I really really worry.But this returns just I worry Related articles:

