
beats by dre solo constant beat to t

The bamboo stick contains a large Yimu essence ,although Lu Ping does not meet their physical attributes ,but beat dog stick method ,but also the full power ,and the flying Yaksha in vivo Shaqi rolling ,it is can use this Yimu essence restraint .
relationresultBeat dog stickmethod is the Lu Ping family study ,is an effort in practice ,is more after work every day practicing ,nowadays already is mature day .I saw Lu Ping operates in vivo mana ,beat dog stick method play out ,a green stick shadow toward the front of the only flying Yaksha shrouded past ,then saw the envelop of the flying dragon is like a balloon burst from banging .
relationresultTheseflying Yaksha in addition to those bodies have green hair ,other mana is not very high ,which is generally the black immortal realm ,while Lu Ping has been true Xian initial state, this in fairyland is equivalent to the head of martial strength, coupled with his bamboo sticks can be restrained those flying Yaksha ,so is easily killed many of the flying dragon .
relationresultWhile looking at thehands of a bamboo stick so easily those flying Yaksha beheaded ,Lu Ping suddenly became very horny hands up ,bamboo sticks constantly danced ,beat dog stick method again plays ,a stick figure toward the front shrouded past ,beheaded a large flying Yaksha ,and then back to fox demon spooky amorous threw a flirtatious ,let release tiger they are a contemptible .
relationresultSeeLu Pingpao to eyes ,a small fox turned to ignore Lu Ping, but my heart feel warm many .Little fox because last time to destroy monster war was flying dragon slaying ,watching Lu Ping killed so many flying Yaksha ,nature is making a small fox Lu to take appreciation ,and if Lu Ping smile is not so obscene ,fox demon secluded secluded impression of Lu Ping is naturally better the .
relationresultLu Ping looked at thelittle demon turned to ,but also that their performance is not good enough ,so they will stick away ,then own mana all lifting up ,beating dragon 18 palms play out ,suddenly shares Longyin sound on Lu Ping rings, then saw a mana condense the dragon from Lu Ping body came out ,then make threatening gestures toward those flying dragon fly past .
relationresultThistime Lu Ping deliberately performance is more attracted people ,some wise see lupin the five of them are composed of five rows of large array ,is a bright eyes ,the five line array while is not profound, but can gather the physical properties are consistent with this five line array are not so easy .
relationresultWhile Lu Pingand their physical properties are exactly in line with the five rows of large array ,and five individual skill ,just to play it five rows of large array maximum power ,and lupin personal strength is also impressive ,look at that one mana pool by dragon constantly swallow flying Apsaras Yaksha ,let the people on the Lu Ping all of them sit up and take notice ,beats by dre solo.
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support , relationresult , relationresultThe 455th chapter yangmingliwan ( ten) , relationresultOriginally,Lu Ping them in a previous arena although behaved ,but because only Shi Xiaohu has shown extraordinary ,Lu Ping is only used to describe completely insignificant .
In just lupin and they are at the back of cheap ,it is even more people on some of their shame ,but now Lu Ping let people sit up and take notice .relationresultRather thanLu Ping one ,all found in the five rows of large array of these five individuals are extremely uncommon ,Lu Ping needless to say ,a beating dragon 18 palms is make people sit up and take notice .
On the release of tiger at systemic spangle ,facing only a flying demon attack is simply don ,allowing those flying demon attack ,and he was waving a fan in hand ,constant beat to those flying Yaksha ,and he was captured but all flesh four five crack ,this make it clear to the public that the release of tiger physical defense and force is how tough .
relationresultLinghu Xuhand a sword, plays a lonely nine sword ,sword image in ,those who are close to his flying Yaksha ,regardless of the direction from which the attack ,are not escape out of his hand sword attack ,only a flying dragon in the hands of Linghu Xu was beheaded ,but Linghu Xu actually seem clear easily ,play lonely nine sword is like stroll ,step to kill a person, very comfortable ,and the sword so long eyebrow ancestors are looking askance, more make long eyebrow ancestors remembered the sword demon duguqiubai .
relationresultThe Duan Xiaoyufamily is an art in the north and six meridian swords ,his body unreliable merit continued running ,devouring those flying Yaksha mana ,both hands at the same time constant dancing ,a six meridian swords sword from the finger shot ,will only flying Yaksha that a body strong as iron general body pierced ,also let everybody says to surprise .
relationresultSong Qing isamong the five seems the most common ,is also a sword, play a primal chaos sword style ,at the same time the body of Tai Chi martial art movement, although inferior to the other four so dazzling, but it is not a flying dragon is able to break the defense of Song Qing ,came to him ,and those who are close to Song Qing the flying Yaksha also are beheaded the .
relationresultIn addition tofive rows of large array composed of five individuals ,Qin Shaoyou performance is also very bright ,Qin Shaoyou saw free in five lines of large array ,the hands of a sword ,in vivo imperial extremely siddhi operation vigorous ,mana ,close to the flying Yaksha a knife killed ,but also shows its excellences ,making many people are poor .
relationresultThat this time thepeople of talent is that underestimate Lu Ping five of them, although five mana is not the highest ,but as five physical attributes are just formed the five line array ,in vivo mana Aioi grams ,everfount for each other to provide a power support ,which makes them five people can play a more substantial power .
relationresultWithLu Ping their accession, execute flying Yaksha things seem easy ,but as they continue to kill lupin ,a piece of flying dragon was killed ,although these are the most common white flying Yaksha ,but also make people feel very excited ,then each faction students are even harder attacked .
relationresultFlyingdragon is provided with some wisdom ,especially those on the body is green downy ,watching the flying Yaksha are one is killed ,the green hair flying Yaksha uttered a shrill sound of screams ,then only to Lu Ping their five in a row in the array fly away ,they also understand that they follow the leader reason ,Lu Ping they are each other main force ,so be sure to will Lu Ping first they killed .
relationresultGreenfluffy flying Yaksha mana to the many powerful ,also have real immortal realm of mana ,plus their flesh tough ,that it is not easy to deal with .And every time to this time, are long eyebrow ancestor and all Menpai head shots, however this time they did not sell, but looks at Lu Ping how they deal with the situation ,have a look of lupin they can bring them a miracle .
relationresultGreenfluffy flying Yaksha although the amount is not much, but also have thousands of ,rushed towards them under the Lu to come ,also let Lu Ping feel tremendous pressure ,while facing such attacks ,only listen to Lu Ping a yell , Shidi men ,to the point of force ! Then saw Lu Ping body appeared over a mana coalesce out of the fire red storm ape .
relationresultWithLu Ping yell ,release of tiger head appeared on a tiger ,the head of Duan Xiaoyu appeared on a green deer ,Linghu Xu over the head appeared a crane ,and in Song Qing is there a mana pool the bear ,they are cast out this time wuqinxi . Related articles:

