
cheap beats by dre the battle to unde

To do risk is too big .Although the light did not use space tear ,strong attack ,only to transform space is enough to make Yuan Futong too busy to attend to all the .relationresultHow To give up ?If you give up, can get the first arrived at the party award .
If you persevere ,may not necessarily ah shadow side carefree play with Yuan Futong ,he said with a smile .relationresultm afraidnot ? Yuan Futong was constantly break tried to restrain their own space ,he replied .
For the various trials ,Yuan Futong also experienced, see a lot of, during the trial process and say, Yuan Futong does not dare to believe .Previously not unheard of to trial within the promise ,finally led to the trial failed .
relationresultIn addition to the basicissues of trust ,at this time Yuan Futong also not really want to give up now fighting .On the one hand and hand situation, this one is absolutely beyond Lianshen order exists .
And such character fights, but do not need to worry about the safety of the opportunity is very few .Even the various forces of the core disciple ,few empty order monk devoted to feed their action .
As for Yuan Futong ,it is very hard to get this kind of chance .There is now a won his opponent ,can let go for the implementation ,on empty order control spatial abilities ,for Yuan Futong it is a rare opportunity .
So Yuan Futong doesn want to miss .By contrast ,the so-called first arrived at the meeting place of the reward ,Yuan Futong instead look not so heavy .relationresultOn the otherhand ,Yuan Futong for his first into the demon family gathering place things ,is also not very happy .
Although the wolf spirit imprinting ,wolf Yuan Futong very much trust ,and even can be said as a family .But this relationship ,and how that is also limited to the wolves .Other evil spirit race may not be too upset ,can accept the existence of Yuan Futong, but if Yuan Futong took all the limelight ,other demon clan elder may not mind no comments .
In order to more reward ,let myself in an embarrassing situation ,Yuan Futong is not very happy .And now the light is given a new option ,if able to win there ,lost the first prize, in exchange for element pole empty Shuttle repair ,for Yuan Futong is also extremely cost-effective .
relationresultHow?Don me ?You can rest assured ,as long as you give up ,I send you to the party .How To make this choice ? Shadow smiled and said, but tone ,Yuan Futong always felt a teasing and yin* ,as if the light is hope Yuan Futong to make such a choice .
relationresultI wonder ,why do you always make me give up ,don just you invite war ? Yuan Futong calmly replied .This period of time ,although the situation no different ,but in and out of the space light change in the fight ,Yuan Futong is very clear feel something ,but at the moment but can too much ,reap zero zero pieces, also do not become a system, but even so ,also let the Yuan Tong Fuk determined to fight on Determination of .
Not for the other ,just for this battle ,the battle to understand what they need ,Yuan Futong wanted to continue .relationresultI is for your sake ah now little fellow ,do not understand the advanced pains ? Light and sighed ,but the tone is rather serious .
relationresultThanks pains ,I think I still continue to consult a good predecessors . Yuan Futong is very direct refused and kindness ,while the side flame slightly change ,a golden flame started slightly effects of near space .
But this time, Yuan Futong knife light suddenly lit up, suddenly cut the number of heavy space ,Yuan Futong opened a road .Moments later ,Yuan Futong body out of the heavily around their own space ,a punch to the shadow location .
This is the war so far ,Yuan Futong for the first time on a certain light launched threats .relationresultOh so soon start to use their power to influence spatial tricks are a potential young man but you only fist ,is afraid of hurt me ? Light and shadow in Yuan Futong and body before, front of Guanghua flash ,a powerful space launch, Yuan Futong will be sent to the far .
But this time the tone ,but slightly with some appreciation of the mean .relationresultNow I can control myself to this point in the space force ,also do not have the ability to be attached to the treasure on this ability .
Would have thought that the effect will be better ,but now it seems I will question to be simple . Yuan Tong Fuk shook his head ,smiled and replied .Just can rush out heavy space ,because after a long fight ,Yuan Futong had come to some how to use their own strength, a solid layer of space to protect their own methods .
Gold knife cut open space ,open up the road ,and then coated with a layer of space for himself ,Yuan Futong blocked the other spatial variation impact on their own, rushed out .But in the face of light directly give off a space prison, to send their own distant approach ,Yuan Futong now still no way .
relationresultOh ,I thought you looked down on me this old guy .If not let me ,take all your strength .Don ,you first reward will really gone . Light front light flashed ,space continuous superposition ,and said with a smile .
relationresultLook atthe overlapped pressure over space ,Yuan Futong was a slight lag ,and began to scatter and changing space compared to the light ,hand although change is not much, but space is confirmed by many of the condensate ,a binding force is many .
In this case ,want to rely on just that way ,it is very difficult to break through these space block .relationresultBut this timeYuan Futong and no emotions like fear ,the present situation is very obvious ,the other not to really deal with the meaning of Yuan Futong ,but because of Yuan Futong understanding and progress ,improve the difficulty of each trial .
For the stage of Yuan Futong, is a kind of affirmation, simultaneously is also one kind of help .Under more stress ,Yuan Futong to be our own understanding further ,and take these things in actual combat step is verified ,to finally become your own experience and accumulation .
So though the situation grim ,but Yuan Futong was more costly war .relationresultButthe war is a high ,but the situation is not because of Yuan Futong game and have obvious change .Strong thick many overlapping space not only defense capabilities have improved a lot ,but in each layer of space in sandwich ,with different strength .
Yuan Futong weapon gold knife in the breakthrough of a layer of space, is often space dissection of the forces ,it is difficult to achieve the last cut several layers of space effect .
Thus ,no gold knife auxiliary ,Yuan Futong face a more powerful pressure ,initial than when more difficult situation .relationresultForcedresponse after a while, Yuan Futong also perceive light on spatial dissection of the application .
Although Yuan Futong have tried to use element pole empty shuttle power with reduced gold alloy knife ,cheap beats by dre,knife affected ,but compared to light the space control master ,and can not play element pole air spindle function Yuan Futong is obviously far away ,the effect is not very good .
But this time, Yuan Futong also saw the space various application modes .Although at present because of the strength of the relationship ,Yuan Futong still can not see things to imitate application ,but the strength of Yuan Futong once it reaches the standard ,which will have a great influence on Yuan Futong .
Of course ,these benefits are now to Yuan Futong, and not much use ,understand things can let the gold knife against space dissection when smoothly, but the situation change very little . Related articles:

