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, Xiao Hua identified here could only let him before and after each face of a monster ,not technology ,then called a false image .relationresultAwayfor so long .Finally ran !relationresultLet thefalse image up behind a rock man .
Xiao Hua looked at the front of the class forty rock man ,Cheap Beats By Dre,hey hey laughed .relationresultThisrock Golem and initially in the lava cave to see about a different appearance ,just consists of different rock ,rock people before stone and surrounding low gray rock exactly alike ,highly characteristic of the area ,but now in the black fog under a black body .
relationresultBlade!!relationresultOne red and one greentwo numbers from the rock floating up ,which are normal attack and infinite stack poison damage !If the general attack .Infinite stack poison damage is to let Xiao Hua see heart Shuang straight !In this stack of venom toxins hurt ,he has foreseen a frightening results !relationresultThe reasonis that his attack speed to persuade more agile ,able to attack times per second !relationresultXiao Hua has nottried ,but he already has an idea ,initially in the attack still nearly persuaded the queen, agile .
A second attack to reach five to six times .Now if more agile ,one second can at least eight attacks !relationresultXiao Huawaved his hand ,searing thorns without stop falling on the opposite side of the three metre high rock man !relationresultFall!, more than !, ,and a blade , relationresultA second,Xiao Hua terrified to discover that he was attacked ten times !Just a second ,poison damage out rock man old !Combined with a normal attack damage rock giants in the second time total time just off the mouth !Rock Golem altogether just export .
The old !relationresultThisis only the beginning ,the next second is the interests !In strong agile ,on the little monster ,even though the monster is three times as much as the attribute ,completely avoiding the would be nothing difficult !The next second .
Xiao Hua and kill rock human IV rib !relationresultThe hotthorn GE has a red Attack Trajectory black fog flash ,a ,three times the attributes of the rock is only under Xiao Hua four seconds to the next !relationresultSo high experience ! Xiao Hua looked at the rock people to experience ,not surprisingly cried !His rough calculations .
If yes .The Black Mist rage of rock to experience is five times the normal experience !relationresultTo develop.relationresultThe idea inXiao Hua heart suddenly flashed up !The experience of five times ,in front of the endless monsters !relationresultXiao Hua was originallyintended in the canyon .
Let the monster blocked roads ,then in two before and after the monster attacks from a night ,but it suddenly found ,but he couldn moving from a hand !Now or level forty monster ,until fifty .
Even a level sixty monster to appear before it too late !The five times the experience .Too tempting !relationresultAndso successfully kill rock ,also let Xiao Hua come up with an idea ,then let false image and character switched positions ,first with the back of the monster ,as long as the back toward the black fog city monster cleared .
He is now in the canyon ,in addition to refresh the monster and canyon .He spends most of his time to both sides by the enemy .Then we can deal with undivided attention before coming monster !relationresultSecondmore !There is a more radical 0 word ,will be quite late ,but must be finished before sleep !relationresultThe 149th chapter giant turtle , relationresultWireturn and false like exchange position, Xiao Hua was surprised to find not only the heart ,false image and imagination as fast badly beaten ,but with flexible times than usual ,this is not a simple attribute increase can be done .
Must be false as intelligent as property prices increase a lot .Xiao Hua glanced, false image many times can be totally avoid rock ,who lost most of the old ,false image was attacked two times ,really big surprise him !relationresultSeeso ,Xiao Hua is glad .
These days do not use magic brush the strange promotion after the bomb .He has been on the false image intelligence has criticized .It would let him have a glimmer of dawn ,after all know false intelligence is along with the increases of the attribute !relationresultTurntwo for false like out there is not much left.
Rock ribs ,Xiao Hua and false image had changed position ,found the ground down a green livery with a black money ,would easily sweep up ,though he could not say is now penniless .
But it is only a game player rich than the ordinary ,everyday poison but thousands ,if not a bit with jian .I not long ,the last about seven hundred thousand gold coins to spend down, and then again into a dilemma .
relationresultToday coin Xiao Hua is early in the morning to play enough, but he did not think that he is actually a scoop ,the Blackstone also picking up coins !relationresultBlackstonecoin pickup in the black fog weather was also no limits ?relationresultXiaoHua array surprised ,and very happy .
This is a collection of black money opportunity !relationresultMoreover,in the continuous killed more than 10 rock man, Xiao Hua found the black fog weather .Rage of the monster falls Blackstone coin probability is very high ,there is the two monster .
It dropped a Blackstone coins !And equipped with drop rate also is such, although is predominantly white fitted ,but more than 10 monster ,lost four pieces of equipment ,including a piece of green !relationresultThis isabsolutely rare things, usually Xiao Huashua day monster ,also fell more than 10 pieces of equipment ,equipment is rare !relationresultXiao Hua nowparcel is empty .
They all picked up .relationresultBefore long,Xiao Hua had to do this side of the monster full clear clean out completely .relationresultXiao Hua wasted no time,turned around ,and work together to deal with false front coming monster .
relationresultExperience ofwild rose ,this several day to practice ,Xiao Hua now experience is very level rh .Basically every day happy about the experience of coming in, but it was only ten minutes more time .
Xiao Hua on the rise and nephew !A calculation ,Xiao Hua learned that his one hour up to 2 nephews about super experience .A late tonight ,if accidentally ,I can obtain dancing experience !relationresultBut theaccident soon appeared, in the valley the wild brush for an hour after the monster .
Xiao Hua knew his bag of poison in such high attack speed ,is the next to go at six o ,up to twelve at night, his bag of poison to be a light !relationresultUsually heis with almost flying hours leveling poison weight ,but this morning has been consumed part of town ,after can recharge .
Now out of the question .relationresultButthis is not a thing ,even if the poison is enough, Xiao Hua is not that he has been able to brush to brush strange tomorrow morning at six ,sixty or seventy of the monster appears, I there he was !relationresultApast .
Canyon appeared in the monster is no longer a rock ,but another edge level named sirens of the sea monster . .The shells of Kraken is a completely by seawater to form a humanoid monster ,holding a pale white spur weapons ,body size and common game player almost, back carrying a backpack generally variegated shell .
Size of the canyon network through two shells sea monster .Fortunately there are fake like help ,a man facing a seashell sea monster, did not let the kraken can move enough to he formed surrounded force .
relationresultThe sameis level forty monster ,but Xiao Hua strange is ,shell sirens each attribute ,either rib ,defense ,attack than the same grade rocks of low ,nor any special driving skill .
Kill quickly there is no danger .It is more comfortable than .relationresultBlink of an eyeit took another half ,shell Kraken gone ,there is a body of black von monster ,venom lizard . Related articles:

