
www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com ear a skull mobs

Heis to die !relationresultXiao Hua thinking of gnash the teeth in anger .Want to come into contact with the Bone Witch ,he must put in front of the layers of the monster to clear out !How to clean ?The monster cannot restore Yang ,with a false self ,consumption die it away to a skeleton for death !relationresultExplode!The use of intraoperative identification obtained after skull .
Xiao Hua immediately let false image of self .relationresultExplosionrange is a radius of three meters ,have to say is a rather large range, but this moment ,false , relationresultAndgoods .
.. Three meter range bin is densely packed almost close induced wind skull ,households, good effect was astonishing !Twenty or thirty 00 Red Digital Instant simultaneously from the skull base and floated out ,overlapped ,let people see things in a blur ,is spectacular !relationresultSkillsin cooling ,Xiao Hua began to calculate which killed the group skull needs much time .
Three minutes of call time .Twenty times an hour ,that is to say .An hour to kill ten thousand of the export .To get rid of the skull ,need five hours !relationresultFineboring ah ,five hours to come into contact with the bone witch .
relationresultXiao Huaboring sitting on the stone steps on the sigh boring .Have a look about the same time ,he called a false image .Let the false image into a magical barrier to continue to act as a human bomb .
relationresult,,relationresultXiao Hua wanted totake advantage of the free time to practice the skills ,but found that those remaining need to practice skills ,there is need to have practiced or entering a state of war to use ,and now is surrounded by even a monster without .
Only from the backpack a book ,on the stairs slowly began to read .relationresultAn hour later ... , relationresultTwohours later ... , , relationresultThreehours later , relationresultBlink of an eye,has for nearly fifth hours ,Xiao Hua put the book up ,be in fine fig of stood up from the ground ,the skull only remaining 00 export .
Blow up after this time ,he can harvest twenty or thirty level sixty monster experience !relationresultSkillsafter cooling ,control the false image into a magical barrier ,came to the skull base ,looking ahead ,in front of the group of skull are only a little blood skin !relationresultExplode!relationresultA loud noise,twenty or thirty skull as Naomi domino-like para-para all fell to the ground ,the ground was scattered in a variety of colors of the head !relationresultAfter the explosion,Xiao Huamei open smiling eye at his experience from 32 grade 84% up to 0 !It is more than 20 monster experience .
On the rise so a experience !The skull is falling equipment ,Xiao Hua is not hold any hope ,five hours ahead of explosion ,explosion every time before he can let false like theft ,but the results of five hours, was even the same items are not available ,is stealing failure .
Let him have to doubt the skull doesn fall for any of the items !relationresultSkillis cooled quickly came to an end, Xiao Hua again control the false image into it ,to see it is in addition to the head ,as can pick up items are not falling .
relationresultButthe mob drop items ,Xiao Hua can not hold any hope ,also do not care .In front of him but there is a large 0 waiting for him !relationresultBlow upnearly three meters of skull base ,undead bone witch is still around two laps in front of the skull ,false image to contact to the Bone Witch still continue to fry ,but in the distance ,have can use the identification of the .
relationresultGoto the skull base ,Xiao Hua against the undead Bone Witch dropped the intraoperative identification .relationresultIdentification ofsuccess !relationresultTheBone Witch :63 ,rib flourishing mouth ,physical attacks.
????Magic attack ,????, physical defense ????Magic defense ,????!relationresultXiao Huaspeechless at the undead Bone Witch the row of almost all question data ,such a large distance ,was even grandmasters intraoperative identification can reach only the simplest of the two data , relationresultMillionribs, that is to say that he had spent Bu ~ may have killed the .
!relationresultDroph ,Xiao Hua Khan a !It is idle much fucking ugly when ah bu !relationresultThe appraisal is finished,false like suicide !relationresultAfter the time ofXiao Hua began to sit back on the ground .
Enter the false as monotonous demolition procedures ,exploded near a ,skull mobs ribs with nearly a million points ,in principle ,the Bone Witch also fell nearly 10 thousand ribs ,but Xiao Hua accidentally lets off like lost an identification of the past ,vomiting is found ,the bone witch is actually a blood no swap !relationresultWhatmatter ?Don explode on the bone witch has no effect? Xiao Hua be frightened and change color to think ,if this is the case ,he hands the phantom ring did not want to !relationresultXiao Hua thentry looking for the cause .
Hematemesis again found ,dead bone Witch and false like explosion range ,with so little ,it is a little distance ,let fake like exploding power ,cannot affect undead bone witch !relationresultThe so-calledpoor effort ,fruit .
Xiao Hua feels it his sister is correct ,so a little distance ,he blows up dead bone witch time much very !relationresultXiao Huahuagrief into strength .Hard up the little monster .
Four hours later ,he finally saw around the front of the skull bone undead mobs are thoroughly remove the remaining direction ,small strange though is disturbed ,and several will come to fill a position ,but not all came ,let off like a nearly empty undead Bone Witch room !relationresultCan finallyclose to undead Bone Witch the super senior concave ,finally can steal help ,but then Xiao Hua is hesitant !relationresultDonsay continuous poison successful theft may cause absolute hatred ,nor a number of successful theft may let .
Become angry and then get the ability to evolve ,even accidentally ,steal a piece on the very important items ,may also let him to once again close to the bone witch !Stealing Fire Giants to close to the fire giant scene not long ago ,but he is be visible before the eyes !relationresultBut notto steal ,he is also facing a big problem ,as everyone knows it ,help old dropped to a certain extent ,may also produce some mutations ,the undead bone witch is no exception to these mutations can also let him not stalked the undead Bone Witch ,Xiao Hua can not be sure .
relationresultSoXiao Hua now faces two may be more cup results ,a theft undead Bone Witch lead the mission cannot be completed, but at least he can from the bone witch who gained some harvest ;two is not theft undead Bone Witch ,the result is have gained nothing from the Bone Witch ,who do not get any thing ,but also with no time for ,be left with nothing whatsoever !relationresultWhile Xiao Huapounded the undead Bone Witch ,while thinking how to choose, in the absence of prior to a decision ,he will not sell .
The .relationresultBut thisconsideration did not last long ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com,about ten minutes later ,Xiao Hua came up with an answer ,do not steal !relationresultAnddon steal due to help rib is reduced to a certain degree and causing false as compared to stalked ,Xiao Hua felt unable to close for theft undead Bone Witch this possibility a little more ,after all, from the previous experience, help double basic is produced with stealth or means ,while the ship is reduced to a certain degree ,.
Often property become more severe enemy this change made for him, and though much .More importantly ,completed a task ,he would get a second artifact ring ,but he can from the bone witch it is the task of rib was steal to the second artifact equipment or be equal in value in the article ,the answer is no.
!relationresultBesides,he is in this copy has to earn benefit, even if this task is really fail, he will not waste time, can only be said to be bad luck ,gamble failed ,losing a second artifact ring !relationresultThedecision, Xiao Hua can the static under heart to come ,undivided attention control false image to blast undead bone witch . Related articles:

