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Think it is in trouble, he lazily said to Xiao Hua .relationresultTo theslaughter of wild said ,Xiao Hua also will not say more straight ,not far from Leah B walked past .relationresultApproachingLeah Xiao Huacai see Leah boron ,boron is dressed in a black assassin armor ,from the side of the past ,it is a familiar feeling !relationresultIt ishell, so he had seen where Leah .
.. No, but such an image ,if he is seen ,be sure not to forget !relationresultSecondmore !Thank you for your support !So many readers support ,felt very excited ,very grateful to !Thank you.
Thank you. Lack of sleep ,the head aches a bit ,the third may later .relationresult,relationresultChapter 158th rules , relationresultTemperatureunderground arena make most of the arena name game player is about a proud with delta battle .
Leah ... This is be absorbed in watching the arena in the game ,see the excitement when .A pair of hands can be tightly pressed together .relationresultLooking at theclenched fist ,excited face, eyes exudes a strange look Leah mania .
.. .Xiao Hua reminds me of a man :the thieves guild of occupation tutor ,Lena !relationresultLeah.Feel someone comes to be reluctant to part ,will look from arena moved back ,praying that the game never ending at this point .
relationresultDoes the beautiful miss Leah ,do you know miss Lena ? Am two is most likely have a special relationship ,Xiao Hua is naturally will not miss this rare opportunity .Second world map very large is innumerable .
In two different city ,bumped into two may be sisters ,there is little chance !Compared to hide the task ,this probability is not too small !relationresultLena?Do you know my sister ? Leah.
Eye one bright ,surprise and asked .relationresultNice.Miss Lena is my occupation teacher .Xiao Hua conjecture is not wrong, heart a happy .relationresultSo that is what it is. ,so you Piaoxue city to the thief .
Leah. With a see light suddenly looks like ,then what happened to .With great care the looked at Xiao Hua ,whispered : I think one thing must be clear ,but Lena is my sister ,she and I have no more relationships, if you are she grabbed the gold coins ,or suffered her blackmail ,I am not responsible .
relationresultKhan,khan !relationresultXiao Hua originallythought of by virtue of Fina a little ride, look now ,Leah ... Apparently because Lena loves gold bad habits attracted a lot of trouble ,but ties things blow .
relationresultMiss la Jolla ,how this thing to use? Xiao Hua takes out a voucher ,decided to put it out and have a look can trigger special events .relationresultWell .It simple .You put the documents to me, after you enter arena game .
Li is duty of explanation ,from Xiao Hua take poison certificate .relationresultAs for the rules of the game and reward ,there are very detailed instructions ,have a look yourself understand .
Leah was handed a sheepskin Handbook .relationresultSystem hint:you become trainee assassin !relationresultSystem hint:you get the underground arena specifications !relationresultIt is alsovery convenient ,Xiao Hua immediately opened the specification laid up in your .
relationresultManualis also a few pages ,a little after Xiao Hua finished ,in the brain has been largely solved .relationresultFirst of all,he is most concerned about killer badge .In the book is not a secret, in addition to attribute to him is not clear ,the awarded pathway has been very clear .
It is in the underground arena match !In the arena of each wins a point ,can obtain victory ,victory points is the role of upgrading the assassin class .relationresultFor example,he is now a trainee assassin ,get victory points after all ,can consume this point victory will upgrade to the primary assassin assassin ,since each upgrade ,intermediate need field point .
Senior four ,experts need to Jin ,but to the expert level ,according to the manual said .An expert assassin can receive from the hands of Leah as special props ,this special props do not want to know is the killer badge !relationresultUpgradeto the expert level ,total demand good point victory points ,if only from the data calculation ,as long as the win but game ,can get a killer badge ,Cheap Beats By Dre.
It looks very simple ,but the fact is not the case .Each battle victory could not say ,want to enter the arena battle ,must pay four coins and old BlackRock coins ,that is to say ,under normal circumstances ,each day can be up to participate in the battle .
But at the end of the page .Xiao Hua learned, Leah B there can also accept some specific tasks, as long as the completion of these tasks, the daily also get an additional number of competitions .
relationresultBut the dailylimit to the number of times a game ,not stop the game player awarded most difficulty .Game player in the arena game ,only is the Assassin game will get victory points .
And the low level of Assassin game ,each level a ,victory after victory point to a reduction of 2 points .relationresultIteven, and once lost the game .Will buckle the victory points ,probation to intermediate assassin ,lose much ,will buckle down to 0 ,from senior assassin up .
Even the negative buckle !relationresultBut no matterhow much negative ,assassin rating is not lost, just take too much ,there may be banned from the arena match ,in Leah ... For some specific tasks, cleaning negative victory point to return to the ring .
relationresult,can be , relationresultIn addition,there are various rules to prevent game player brush assassin class ,for example, the same two people ,per day can be two times the war game ,the lower the assassin cannot challenge than he assassinated grade 3 class above a lower assassin assassin challenge advanced ,once won, can get extra victory points ,each high the assassination of one grade, amount of victory points ,scrabble !Or .
Low dark miscellaneous in hit number heart ying .The game .If the rate is too low ,if not negative victory points .Will also be prohibited from competition ,need to do a task to a replay of the match .
relationresultThen,illustrated handbook on some of the details of the open tournament .A ring game time limit in minutes ,in such a short period of time and has boundaries in the arena .
Some occupation skill will be restricted ,the most obvious is the assassin and thieves prowling in the arena ,using stealth ,the long time for the game player .One in five normal time ,the cooling time is changed to a minute ,state disappeared after ,still had thirty seconds to again use .
In order to prevent the negative competition ,a stealth ,if not abandoned enemy or hit by enemy .Again use stealth intervals for two minutes !relationresultOnce the contestat the time ,if fighting neither death ,will be in accordance with the output of the outcome .
If the output is the same ,is sentenced at the same time defeat ,does not exist . .relationresultRead theinstruction manual ,Xiao Hua is mad that Tu said, obviously the thief ,the arena is very bad .
The output is a well-known low ,want to get enough victory points .Get a killer badge ,difficulty is great .relationresultBut if acarcass .Help that is different ,with Tu mad energy ,find some special game player lost a match is also very simple things ,but also in the manual ,another rule ,game player can win consecutive games ,from the fifth competition ,each victory ,victory points can in the foundation multiple access ,a victory point .
If we can keep winning .Or with senior assassin war .Before long be escalated to an expert assassin ,get a killer badge .relationresultMillion,than the North , relationresultButwant tu freak Related articles:

